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How can I check if a view is visible or not in Android? [duplicate]

... Can be Visible while it is not within the confines of the visible screen, so that won't be accurate in all cases. However, Bill Mote's answer is working all the time. – ForceMagic Mar 6 '14 at 21:26 ...

How to capture stdout output from a Python function call?

... with Capturing() as output: print('hello world') print('displays on screen') with Capturing(output) as output: # note the constructor argument print('hello world2') print('done') print('output:', output) Output: displays on screen done ...

How to center a WPF app on screen?

I want to center my WPF app on startup on the primary screen. I know I have to set myWindow.Left and myWindow.Top, but where do I get the values? ...

Shortcut to exit scale mode in VirtualBox [closed]

... Steps: host + f, to switch to full screen mode, if not yet, host + c, to switch to/out of scaled mode, host + f, to switch back normal size, if need, Tip: host key, default to right ctrl, the control button on right part of your keyboard, host + c seems on...

iOS 7: UITableView shows under status bar

The first screen of my application is a UITableViewController without a navigation bar, which means that the content flows under the status bar so there's a lot of text collisions. I've adjusted both the properties for Under top bars and Adjust scroll view insets which do actually stop it from...

Fastest method of screen capturing on Windows

I want to write a screencasting program for the Windows platform, but am unsure of how to capture the screen. The only method I'm aware of is to use GDI, but I'm curious whether there are other ways to go about this, and, if there are, which incurs the least overhead? Speed is a priority. ...

Copying the GNU screen scrollback buffer to a file (extended hardcopy)

How do I easily copy the GNU Screen scrollback buffer to a file? I.e., a more powerful version of the 'hardcopy' command? 7...

Programming with white text on black background?

...e it's a lot easier on your eyes when you alternate between looking at the screen and looking at source material printed on paper. Also, the contrast between the screen background and the surrounding lighting should be small, so a white background works best with the well lit room most people use c...

How to get screen dimensions as pixels in Android

... top edge and m pixels from the right edge). Therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position: ...

How do I prevent Android taking a screenshot when my app goes to the background?

... building has the requirement that the app has to prevent the OS to take a screenshot of the app when it's being pushed into the background for security reasons. This way it won't be able to see the last active screen when switching between apps. ...