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卸载SQL Server2000后不能再次安装的问题解决方法 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网...

卸载SQL Server2000后不能再次安装的问题解决方法曾经由于磁盘空间的问题,卸载了SQL Server2000,可当再次要把它安装上的时候,却怎么也不行了。无论是安装哪一个版本,永远都是同样的错 曾经由于磁盘空间的问题,卸载了SQL S...

How to save a PNG image server-side, from a base64 data string

...rings that this tool generates, into actual PNG files on the server, using PHP. 15 Answers ...

PHP script to loop through all of the files in a directory?

I'm looking for a PHP script that loops through all of the files in a directory so I can do things with the filename, such as format, print or add it to a link. I'd like to be able to sort the files by name, type or by date created/added/modified. (Think fancy directory "index".) I'd also like to be...

Http长连接200万尝试及调优 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...200万个,但我们设置最大文件描述符限制时,会遇到一些问题,我们在后面详细讲解。 2. 客户端的准备 由于我们需要构建大量的客户端,而我们知道,在一台系统上,连接到一个服务时的本地端口是有限的。由于端口是16位整...

How do I implement a callback in PHP?

How are callbacks written in PHP? 9 Answers 9 ...

If isset $_POST

... This comparison table is very helpful for things like this php.net/manual/en/types.comparisons.php – A Star Jun 4 '13 at 22:16 2 ...

In PHP, can you instantiate an object and call a method on the same line?

... The feature you have asked for is available from PHP 5.4. Here is the list of new features in PHP 5.4: http://php.net/manual/en/migration54.new-features.php And the relevant part from the new features list: Class member access on instantiation has been added, e.g. (ne...

How do I get a file extension in PHP?

... theirs is better because they have a built-in function to do that and not PHP (I am looking at Pythonistas right now :-)). In fact, it does exist, but few people know it. Meet pathinfo(): $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); This is fast and built-in. pathinfo() can give you other in...

Best way to check if a URL is valid

I want to use PHP to check, if string stored in $myoutput variable contains a valid link syntax or is it just a normal text. The function or solution, that I'm looking for, should recognize all links formats including the ones with GET parameters. ...

从网购到火车票,对比淘宝12306网为何如此烂? - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - ...

...到让人“一票难求”的订票网站-12306。12306网站购票难的问题几乎成了所有人的共识。来自前支付宝架构师冯大辉(@Fenng)的这条微博翻出12306这笔账,别有一番滋味。 以冯大辉的计算方法,支付宝11月11日一天就处理了1亿零580万...