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How to lock orientation during runtime

...ntation during runtime? For example I'd like to allow the user to lock the screen to landscape if the user currently in landscape and toggle the menu option. ...

What is the difference between “screen” and “only screen” in media queries?

What is the difference between screen and only screen in media queries? 5 Answers ...

App Inventor 2 中的响应式设计 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...icky issue in designing apps is making apps that look good on devices with screens of differing sizes. For example, apps designed for a given phone should also look good on tablets or phones with a different screen size. Making apps that have this property is called responsive design. A common ap...

Change Screen Orientation programmatically using a Button

I think this is implementable since screen rotation behaviour can go up to the application level. 5 Answers ...

Bootstrap 3 Navbar Collapse

...It's currently set to "expand" @media (min-width: 768px) which is a "small screen" (ie. a tablet) by Bootstrap 3 terms. @grid-float-breakpoint: @screen-tablet; If you want to keep the collapsed a little longer you can adjust it like such: @grid-float-breakpoint: @screen-desktop; (992px br...

Application Skeleton to support multiple screens

...oming with various device which having different Features, Resolution, and Screen-size so while developing an Application which support multiple (small and big) screen there is an obstacle of size and layout. ...

Center a popup window on screen?

...popup window opened via javascript window.open function on the center of screen variable to the currently selected screen resolution ? ...

How to make the window full screen with Javascript (stretching all over the screen)

How can I make a visitor's browser go fullscreen using JavaScript, in a way that works with IE, Firefox and Opera? 19 Answe...

Android: Temporarily disable orientation changes in an Activity

...by Chris in his self-answer, calling setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR); and then setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR); really works like charm... on real devices ! Don't think that it's broken when testing on the emulator, the ctrl+F1...

How can I get the active screen dimensions?

... Screen.FromControl, Screen.FromPoint and Screen.FromRectangle should help you with this. For example in WinForms it would be: class MyForm : Form { public Rectangle GetScreen() { return Screen.FromControl(this).Bound...