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How to escape a pipe char in a code statement in a markdown table?

...taining pieces of code in Markdown. It works fine except when I put a pipe char (i.e. | ) between the backtick (i.e. ` ) chars. ...

Fast permutation -> number -> permutation mapping algorithms

..., unfortunately. int n = 5; int[] sequence = new int[] { 1, 2, 0, 1, 0 }; char[] list = new char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' }; char[] permuted = new char[n]; bool[] set = new bool[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int s = sequence[i]; int remainingPosition = 0; int index; // F...

How to profile a bash shell script slow startup?

...e set -x later and set +x earlier (or bracket several sections of interest selectively). Although it's not as fine-grained as GNU date's nanoseconds, Bash 5 includes a variable which gives the time in microseconds. Using it saves you from spawning an external executable for every line and works on ...

How to fix “Incorrect string value” errors?

...ify that the tables where the data is stored have the utf8 character set: SELECT `tables`.`TABLE_NAME`, `collations`.`character_set_name` FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES` AS `tables`, `information_schema`.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS `collations` WHERE `tables`.`table_sche...

C++ : why bool is 8 bits long?

... address of an object. The object doesn't have to store its own address. A char is typically 8 bits wide, enough to store any of 256 characters, but each char also has an address defined by where in memory it is located. That is why you can create a pointer to a char. – jalf ...

How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet?

... Introduction To browse and select a file for upload you need a HTML <input type="file"> field in the form. As stated in the HTML specification you have to use the POST method and the enctype attribute of the form has to be set to "multipart/form-...

Meaning of acronym SSO in the context of std::string

... a pointer to the free store ("the heap"), which gives similar performance characteristics as if you were to call new char [size]. This prevents a stack overflow for very large strings, but it can be slower, especially with copy operations. As an optimization, many implementations of std::string cre...

C++模板的特化 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... t1, const T t2) { return t1 < t2 ? t2 : t1; } template <> const char* mymax(const char* t1,const char* t2) { return (strcmp(t1,t2) < 0) ? t2 : t1; } 但是你不能这么搞: template <> bool mymax(const char* t1,const char* t2) { return (strcmp(t1,t2) < 0); } 其实...

max value of integer

...numbers as they were unsigned (that is, handling all bits correctly). The character data type char is 16 bits wide, unsigned, and holds characters using UTF-16 encoding (however, it is possible to assign a char an arbitrary unsigned 16 bit integer that represents an invalid character codepoint) ...

Reading string from input with space character? [duplicate]

...s per your need. Use: scanf ("%[^\n]%*c", name); The [] is the scanset character. [^\n] tells that while the input is not a newline ('\n') take input. Then with the %*c it reads the newline character from the input buffer (which is not read), and the * indicates that this read in input is discar...