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How can I create a simple message box in Python?

...and single line code like this: import ctypes # An included library with Python install. ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Your text", "Your title", 1) Or define a function (Mbox) like so: import ctypes # An included library with Python install. def Mbox(title, text, style): return c...

Choosing a file in Python with simple Dialog

I would like to get file path as input in my Python console application. 6 Answers 6 ...

How to know/change current directory in Python shell?

I am using Python 3.2 on Windows 7. When I open the Python shell, how can I know what the current directory is and how can I change it to another directory where my modules are? ...

Python coding standards/best practices [closed]

In python do you generally use PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code as your coding standards/guidelines? Are there any other formalized standards that you prefer? ...

How do I use a Boolean in Python?

Does Python actually contain a Boolean value? I know that you can do: 7 Answers 7 ...

How do I format a string using a dictionary in python-3.x?

... Since the question is specific to Python 3, here's using the new f-string syntax, available since Python 3.6: >>> geopoint = {'latitude':41.123,'longitude':71.091} >>> print(f'{geopoint["latitude"]} {geopoint["longitude"]}') 41.123 71.091 ...

Any way to clear python's IDLE window?

I know there's a similar topic about python console, but I do not know if they are the same. I tried system("clear") and it didn't work here. ...

Play a Sound with Python [duplicate]

What's the easiest way to play a sound file (.wav) in Python? By easiest I mean both most platform independent and requiring the least dependencies. pygame is certainly an option, but it seems overkill for just sound. ...

How to create module-wide variables in Python? [duplicate]

...a module? When I tried to do it the most obvious way as appears below, the Python interpreter said the variable __DBNAME__ did not exist. ...

Exiting from python Command Line

To exit from Python command line, I have to type exit(). If I type exit, it says 11 Answers ...