大约有 900 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0147秒) [XML]
Using a piano keyboard as a computer keyboard [closed]
Consider doing something in hardware that emulates a usb (or ps/2?) keyboard. You will no longer be dependent on a specific OS, or specific OS API. A hardware solution will stand the test of time. Don't be stuck using an old API in Windows 7 when everyone else is running Win...
BIO与NIO、AIO的区别(这个容易理解) - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
...异步非阻塞的AIO。一、BIO在JDK1 4出来之前,我们建立网络连接的时候采用BIO模式 IO的方式通常分为几种,同步阻塞的BIO、同步非阻塞的NIO、异步非阻塞的AIO。
虚拟机ubuntu与宿主机NAT方式设定静态IP共享上网 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专...
....0.3 + ubuntu 10.10
完整安装后的VMware Workstation会在本地连接中多了两个虚拟网卡,一个是VMware Network Adapter for VMnet1 .另一个是 VMware Network Adapter for VMnet8。注意:确保VMnet8处于启用状态,NAT网络模式要用的就是这个虚拟网卡,这...
Why Android Studio says “Waiting For Debugger” if am NOT debugging?
... to developer options and switch it off and on again (dont forget to check usb debugging option too), worked for me(Neuxs5).
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HAproxy - Web负载均衡解决方案 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
...AProxy运行在当前的硬件上,完全可以支持数以万计的并发连接。并且它的运行模式使得它可以很简单安全的整合进您当前的架构中, 同时可以保护你的web服务器不被暴露到网络上。
BLE协议—广播和扫描 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
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Connect Device to Mac localhost Server? [closed]
...t you to confirm your action, select ok.
If your iPhone is connected using USB, the iPhone USB is checked at the "sharing your connection" list on the right side.
After this, try accessing your local server using your macs ip on wifi.
PHP连接MySQL报错:Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connec...
PHP连接MySQL报错:Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()之解决方法【问题描述】PHP测试连接MySQL的程序如下:<?php$host='localhost';$user_name='root';$password='mysql';$conn=m...【问题描述】
BLE协议—广播和扫描 - 创客硬件开发 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!
...要求较高的情况下),也可以在广播和扫描的基础上进行连接后点对点通信。广播访问地址广播包:广播包Access Address 固定为0x8E89BED6,广播包只能在广播信道(channel)上传输,即只能在37/38/39信道上传输(注:从蓝牙5.0开始广...
How can I build a small operating system on an old desktop computer? [closed]
...s: "Hello, Linus" directly from the firmware boot process (on a floppy, or USB thumb drive, would be a good start ... or on a hard drive if you like).
From there I'd recommend writing a very simple serial driver ... update your boot loader to initialize some serial port, and start a download there ...