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What does %s mean in a python format string?

What does %s mean in Python? And what does the following bit of code do? 7 Answers 7...

How can I find script's directory with Python? [duplicate]

Consider the following Python code: 12 Answers 12 ...

pip installing in global site-packages instead of virtualenv

...es folder instead of the one in the virtualenv folder. Here's how I set up Python3 and virtualenv on OS X Mavericks (10.9.1): ...

How to avoid reinstalling packages when building Docker image for Python projects?

...t /srv/requirements.txt RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ADD . /srv RUN python setup.py install ENTRYPOINT ["run_server"] Docker will use cache during pip install as long as you do not make any changes to the requirements.txt, irrespective of the fact whether other code files at . were changed ...

Simpler way to put PDB breakpoints in Python code?

... You can run your program into pdb from the command line by running python -m pdb your_script.py It will break on the 1st line, then you'll be able to add a breakpoint wherever you want in your code using the break command, its syntax is: b(reak) [[filename:]lineno | function[, conditio...

Import error: No module name urllib2

...mentation: The urllib2 module has been split across several modules in Python 3 named urllib.request and urllib.error. The 2to3 tool will automatically adapt imports when converting your sources to Python 3. So you should instead be saying from urllib.request import urlopen html = urlopen("ht...

Converting datetime.date to UTC timestamp in Python

I am dealing with dates in Python and I need to convert them to UTC timestamps to be used inside Javascript. The following code does not work: ...

What is the recommended way to use Vim folding for Python code

I am interested in enabling code folding in Vim for Python code. I have noticed multiple ways to do so. 11 Answers ...

Chain-calling parent initialisers in python [duplicate]

... The way you are doing it is indeed the recommended one (for Python 2.x). The issue of whether the class is passed explicitly to super is a matter of style rather than functionality. Passing the class to super fits in with Python's philosophy of "explicit is better than implicit". ...

How can I use a DLL file from Python?

What is the easiest way to use a DLL file from within Python ? 7 Answers 7 ...