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Can extension methods be applied to interfaces?
Is it possible to apply an extension method to an interface? (C# question)
1 Answer
Unable to modify ArrayAdapter in ListView: UnsupportedOperationException
I'm trying to make a list containing names. This list should be modifiable (add, delete, sort, etc). However, whenever I tried to change the items in the ArrayAdapter, the program crashed, with java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException error. Here is my code:
Real-world applications of zygohistomorphic prepromorphisms
How does deriving work in Haskell?
Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) in Haskell can automatically become instances of some typeclasse s (like Show , Eq ) by deriving from them.
How do i instantiate a JAXBElement object?
I need to create one of these as the interface requires it...can someone please let me know how to create one, as there doesnt seem to be a c'tor defined?
Show control hierarchy in the WinForms designer
One of our clients has an old WinForms application that contains forms with a lot of controls on them. Some of those controls have a deep hierarchy and that makes it to hard to select them in the designer.
Python Regex instantly replace groups
Is there any way to directly replace all groups using regex syntax?
2 Answers
What is the different between 'Auto' and '*' when setting width/height for a grid column?
I cannot distinguish the different between 'Auto' and '*' when setting width/height for a grid column. Please help!
1 Answe...
Fill between two vertical lines in matplotlib
I went through the examples in the matplotlib documentation, but it wasn't clear to me how I can make a plot that fills the area between two specific vertical lines.