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How to get name of exception that was caught in Python?

...n't want to catch particular exceptions known in advance. I want to catch all exceptions. – Rob Bednark Apr 27 '18 at 16:10 add a comment  |  ...

How do I initialize a TypeScript object with a JSON object

I receive a JSON object from an AJAX call to a REST server. This object has property names that match my TypeScript class (this is a follow-on to this question ). ...

How to serve an image using nodejs

... 2016 Update Examples with Express and without Express that actually work This question is over 5 years old but every answer has some problems. TL;DR Scroll down for examples to serve an image with: express.static express connect http net All of the examples are also on GitHub: htt...

How to pretty print nested dictionaries?

... This is cool, but doesn't print all dictionaries well. print json.dumps(myObject.__dict__, sort_keys=True, indent=4) #TypeError: <object at 0x0000000002E6A748> is not JSON serializable – tponthieux Feb 8 '12 at 2...

How do I get Flask to run on port 80?

...roxy HTTP traffic through apache2 to Flask. This way, apache2 can handle all your static files (which it's very good at - much better than the debug server built into Flask) and act as a reverse proxy for your dynamic content, passing those requests to Flask. Here's a link to the official documen...

How to resize superview to fit all subviews with autolayout?

...n a UITableViewCell (to determine row height for example) then you should call it against your cell contentView and grab the height. Further considerations exist if you have one or more UILabel's in your view that are multiline. For these it is imperitive that the preferredMaxLayoutWidth propert...

Use of *args and **kwargs [duplicate]

...u're not sure how many arguments might be passed to your function, i.e. it allows you pass an arbitrary number of arguments to your function. For example: >>> def print_everything(*args): for count, thing in enumerate(args): ... print( '{0}. {1}'.format(count, thing)) ... ...

What is the command to list the available avdnames

... List all your emulators: emulator -list-avds Run one of the listed emulators: emulator @name-of-your-emulator where emulator is under: ${ANDROID_SDK}/tools/emulator – Dhiraj Himani Jun 16 ...

What's the difference between :: (double colon) and -> (arrow) in PHP?

... used to access static members, such usage is discouraged), while :: is usually used to access static members (though in a few special cases, it's used to access instance members). In general, :: is used for scope resolution, and it may have either a class name, parent, self, or (in PHP 5.3) static...

How do I spool to a CSV formatted file using SQLPLUS?

...tion on IDs) spool myfile.csv select table_name, tablespace_name from all_tables where owner = 'SYS' and tablespace_name is not null; Output will be like: TABLE_PRIVILEGE_MAP ,SYSTEM SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP ,SYSTEM ...