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How do I disable right click on my web page?

Can I disable right click on my web page without using JavaScript? I ask this because most browsers allow user to disable JavaScript. ...

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it?

Sometimes I get the following error while I was doing HttpWebRequest to a WebService. I copied my code below too. 28 Answer...

Microsoft.WebApplication.targets was not found, on the build server. What's your solution?

... folder from your dev machine to your build server fixes this if it's just web applications C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications Remove x86 according to how your build breaks. If you have other project types you will probably need to copy the entire msbui...

How to escape JSON string?

... I use System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode string quoted = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(input); share | improve this an...

How to remove a web site from google analytics

I am Administrator of several web sites on google analytics. 10 Answers 10 ...

How to avoid the “Circular view path” exception with Spring MVC test

...ourceView which is Wrapper for a JSP or other resource within the same web application. Exposes model objects as request attributes and forwards the request to the specified resource URL using a javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher. A URL for this view is supposed to specify a resource withi...

Disable cross domain web security in Firefox

In Firefox, how do I do the equivalent of --disable-web-security in Chrome. This has been posted a lot, but never a true answer. Most are links to add-ons (some of which don't work in the latest Firefox or don't work at all) and "you just need to enable support on the server". ...

How do I get the web page contents from a WebView?

On Android, I have a WebView that is displaying a page. 7 Answers 7 ...

RequestDispatcher.forward() vs HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect()

...thin the same server for further processing. In the case of forward, the web container handles all processing internally and the client or browser is not involved. When forward is called on the requestDispatcherobject, we pass the request and response objects, so our old request object is presen...

ASP.NET MVC 404 Error Handling [duplicate]

...rrorControllers or static page to with 404 error information. Modify your web.config (in case of controller). <system.web> <customErrors mode="On" > <error statusCode="404" redirect="~/Errors/Error404" /> </customErrors> </system.web> Or in case of st...