大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0540秒) [XML]


Django Rest Framework: Dynamically return subset of fields

...verride the serializer __init__ method and set the fields attribute dynamically, based on the query params. You can access the request object throughout the context, passed to the serializer. Here is a copy&paste from Django Rest Framework documentation example on the matter: from rest_framew...

How to remove k__BackingField from json when Deserialize

... Automatic Property syntax is actually not recommended if the class can be used in serialization. Reason being the backing field is generated by compiler which can be different each time code is compiled. This can cause incompatibility issues even if no chang...

How can I mock requests and the response?

...thons mock package to mock Pythons requests module. What are the basic calls to get me working in below scenario? 9 Answ...

ImportError: No module named apiclient.discovery

... You should be able to get these dependencies with this simple install: sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client This is described on the quick start page for python. share | i...

Is there any publicly accessible JSON data source to test with real world data? [closed]

... Twitter has a public API which returns JSON, for example - A GET request to: https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?include_entities=true&include_rts=true&screen_name=mralexgray&count=1, EDIT: Removed due to twitte...

jQuery find events handlers registered with an object

..." $.each(event, function(j, h) { // h.handler is the function being called }); }); Here's an example you can play with: $(function() { $("#el").click(function(){ alert("click"); }); $("#el").mouseover(function(){ alert("mouseover"); }); $.each($._data($("#el")[0], "events")...

What is the proper way to re-attach detached objects in Hibernate?

...e to the DB, and overwrite any intervening updates. refresh() cannot be called on a detached entity. lock() cannot be called on a detached entity, and even if it could, and it did reattach the entity, calling 'lock' with argument 'LockMode.NONE' implying that you are locking, but not locking, i...

Can Flask have optional URL parameters?

... You can try pip install flask_optional_routes. I created a pip for the functionality you are requesting b/c I needed it as well. The code is located at: github.com/sudouser2010/flask_optional_routes. – sudouser2010 ...

How to update a record using sequelize for node?

...gt; handleError(err) ) Update 2016-03-09 The latest version actually doesn't use success and error anymore but instead uses then-able promises. So the upper code will look as follows: Project.update( { title: 'a very different title now' }, { where: { _id: 1 } } ) .then(result =&g...

Android: View.setID(int id) programmatically - how to avoid ID conflicts?

I'm adding TextViews programmatically in a for-loop and add them to an ArrayList. 14 Answers ...