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Using .otf fonts on web browsers

I'm working on a website that requires font trials online, the fonts I have are all .otf 2 Answers ...

数据存储组件 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...据库的。 网络微数据库 网络微数据库 组件通过与Web服务通信以存储及查询数据,虽然这个组件是有用的,但是非常有限,主要是作为对那些想要创建自己的组件与 Web 对话的Demo应用。 随附的 Web 服务位于 http://tinywebdb.app...

Why is Node.js single threaded? [closed]

In PHP (or Java/ASP.NET/Ruby) based webservers every client request is instantiated on a new thread. But in Node.js all the clients run on the same thread (they can even share the same variables!) I understand that I/O operations are event-based so they don't block the main thread loop. ...

Simplest SOAP example

...ing cross-platform app in nativescript for android/ios. I want to use SOAP web services. Please guide me for the same. I used above code for SOAP request & i want SOAP response format, how to handle response. Please review my question - stackoverflow.com/questions/37745840/… ...

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet

...container is tomcat 7 and my IDE is eclipse indigo and the jar spring-webmvc-3.1.0.RELEASE.jar which contains the DispatcherServlet exists in the lib folder, and yet when running the application, i am getting the exception: ...

How to add extra info to copied web text

Some websites now use a JavaScript service from Tynt that appends text to copied content. 8 Answers ...

Single Page Application: advantages and disadvantages [closed]

...r more recently HTML5 pushState. With this approach the exact state of the web app is embedded in the page URL. As in GMail every time you open a mail a special hash tag is added to the URL. If copied and pasted to other browser window can open the exact same mail (provided they can authenticate). T...

MaxJsonLength exception in ASP.NET MVC during JavaScriptSerializer

... Unfortunately the web.config setting is ignored by the default JsonResult implementation. So I guess you will need to implement a custom json result to overcome this issue. ...

Firefox Web Console Disabled?

How come I get this message from Firefox Web Console 4 Answers 4 ...

What is Java EE? [duplicate]

...hat are they really asking for? Experience with EJBs? Experience with Java web apps? 9 Answers ...