大约有 16,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0262秒) [XML]


PHP filesize MB/KB conversion [duplicate]

... of PHP's filesize() function to a nice format with MegaBytes, KiloBytes etc? 12 Answers ...

Creating a config file in PHP

... comment - none of the parsing mechanisms would be the fastest (ini, json, etc) - but they're also not the parts of your application that you'd really need to focus on optimizing since the speed difference would be negligible on such small files. ...

Create a CSV File for a user in PHP

...o-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); echo "record1,record2,record3\n"; die; etc Edit: Here's a snippet of code I use to optionally encode CSV fields: function maybeEncodeCSVField($string) { if(strpos($string, ',') !== false || strpos($string, '"') !== false || strpos($string, "\n") !== false) {...

How to validate an Email in PHP?

...ess can contain UTF-8 characters or special domain names like .live, .news etc. Also I find that some email address can be on Cyrilic and on all cases standard regex or filter_var() will fail. That's why I made an solution for it: function valid_email($email) { if(is_array($email) || is_nume...

Is Haxe worth learning? [closed]

...fine classes/interfaces/enums/typedefs in the same way for JS, Flash, C++, etc. If those types you define do not depend on a specific platform API, they can be reused from platform to platform with no effort at all. All the platforms also share common APIs like XML access, HTTP connections and refle...

How to convert string to boolean php

...ordPress shortcode attributes that have values such as true, false, on, 0, etc. Great answer, should definitely be the accepted answer. – AndyWarren Jun 8 '17 at 17:49 11 ...

How to force file download with PHP

...dd proper content type based on your file application/zip, application/pdf etc. - but only if you do not want to trigger the save-as dialog. share | improve this answer | fol...

How to use PHP OPCache?

... include things like: the state the cache is in (enabled, restarting, full etc), the memory usage, hits, misses and some more useful information. It will also contain the cached scripts. var_dump(opcache_get_status()); opcache_reset(): Resets the entire cache. Meaning all possible cached scripts...

PHP - iterate on string characters

...like to be able to do foreach , array_map , array_walk , array_filter etc. on the characters of a string. 9 Answers ...

ZMQ: 基本原理 - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...层传输之上提供完全相同的行为。 这种方法存在两个问题: 一,在特定的传输之上建立类TCP的封装实际上使得传输成为多余的了。如果这种方法的行为类似于TCP,那么为什么一开始就不用TCP呢?(性能特性排除在这个规...