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Is it possible to delete an object's property in PHP?

...ght mind, convert an array into an object? It just makes no sense (even if PHP allows it). I will not encorage and spread bad programming habits by commenting on this :) No offense. – Yanick Rochon Mar 21 '14 at 2:54 ...

PHP parse/syntax errors; and how to solve them

...as T_STRING explains which symbol the parser/tokenizer couldn't process finally. This isn't necessarily the cause of the syntax mistake, however. It's important to look into previous code lines as well. Often syntax errors are just mishaps that happened earlier. The error line number is just where ...

Find nearest latitude/longitude with an SQL query

... Additionally, it does not take into account the curvature of the earth. This would not be an issue for short search radii. Otherwise Evan's and Igor's answers are more complete. – John Vance N...

How to host a Node.Js application in shared hosting [closed]

... can run node.js server on a typical shared hosting with Linux, Apache and PHP (LAMP). I have successfully installed it, even with NPM, Express and Grunt working fine. Follow the steps: 1) Create a new PHP file on the server with the following code and run it: <?php //Download and extract the l...

PHP file_get_contents() and setting request headers

... Actually, upon further reading on the file_get_contents() function: // Create a stream $opts = [ "http" => [ "method" => "GET", "header" => "Accept-language: en\r\n" . "Cookie: foo=bar\r\...

Returning JSON from a PHP Script

... While you're usually fine without it, you can and should set the Content-Type header: <?php $data = /** whatever you're serializing **/; header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($data); If I'm not using a particular fra...

Setting environment variables for accessing in PHP when using Apache

I have a Linux environment and I have a PHP Web Application that conditionally runs based on environment variables using getenv in PHP. I need to know how these environment variables need to be set for the application to work correctly. I am not sure how to set this up on Apache. ...

PHP & mySQL: Year 2038 Bug: What is it? How to solve it?

.... Instead of asking my question in bulk, I preferred to break it up into small parts so that it is easy for novice users to understand as well. So my question(s): ...

How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex?

...tion (?=…). Here is our pattern with a simple test harness: function testAll($r, $tests) { foreach ($tests as $test) { $isMatch = preg_match($r, $test, $groups); $groupsJoined = join('|', $groups); print("$test $isMatch $groupsJoined\n"); } } $tests = array('aaa', 'aaab',...

How can I check if a URL exists via PHP?

...side. Waiting for a response might take time and block code execution. Not all headers returned by get_headers() are well formed. Use curl (if you can). Prevent fetching the entire body/content, but only request the headers. Consider redirecting urls: Do you want the first code returned? Or follow a...