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自动生成Linux下Makefile全攻略(automake原理) - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...定大家对Makefile自动化编译有基本的了解,Linux编译安装软件的方法的主要步骤及输出结果如下:1、. configure 输出Makefile文件2...本文假定大家对Makefile自动化编译有基本的了解(不了解的最好先熟悉下,参见《Makefile经典教程(...

基于内网外隔离的微信推送解决方案 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...业API服务器的80端口只需要访问rinetd端口转发服务器内网IP的80端口即可。 通过该构架一个完整的微信信息访问流程分解成三个部分 第一部分 内网服务器把消息推送给tomcat1&2服务器后,tomcat1&2服务器直接访问rinetd端口转...

phpcms与ucenter整合常见问题与解答 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...$member['password']; $email = $member['email']; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $time = time(); $userdata = array( 'uid'=>$uid, 'username'=>$username, 'password'=>$password, 'email'...

比尔盖茨“未来生活预言”的科技豪宅(图) - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...样级别的霸道总裁,自然住得极其讲究。更何况,他是干软件出身,家里还不率先武装最先进的技术设备吗?他的宅第坐落在西雅图,外界称它是“未来生活预言”的科技豪宅,换句话说,他家就指引着数字生活的航向。 虽然...

Django's SuspiciousOperation Invalid HTTP_HOST header

... a more likely explanation is web crawlers (robots) simply crawling public IP addresses on port 80 - in which case you would want to allow them. – markmnl May 16 '14 at 4:12 16 ...

Test if string is a number in Ruby on Rails

...il 1154461.1 (±5.5%) i/s - 5788976 in 5.035311s require 'benchmark/ips' int = '220000' bad_int = '22.to.2' Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report('cast') do Integer(int) rescue false end x.report('cast fail') do Integer(bad_int) rescue false end x.report('to_s') do int.to_i....

Why must a lambda expression be cast when supplied as a plain Delegate parameter

...keRequired code pattern are very helpful. – Erik Philips Jan 9 '13 at 1:12 ...

在线服务的黑天鹅 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

在线服务的黑天鹅软件随想录(More Joel on Software)有这样一段话提高服务稳定性的最大困难,就是黑天鹅难题(problem of black swans)。这个名词 软件随想录(More Joel on Software)有这样一段话 提高服务稳定性的最大困难,就是...

write a shell script to ssh to a remote machine and execute commands

... There are multiple remote linux machines, and I need to write a shell script which will execute the same set of commands in each machine. (Including some sudo operations). How can this be done using shell scripting? You can do this with ...

Connect Java to a MySQL database

... default 3306. Download the JDBC driver and put in classpath, extract the ZIP file and put the containing JAR file in the classpath. The vendor-specific JDBC driver is a concrete implementation of the JDBC API (tutorial here). If you're using an IDE like Eclipse or Netbeans, then you can add it to...