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Spring Boot application as a Service

How to configure nicely Spring Boot application packaged as executable jar as a Service in the Linux system? Is this recommended approach, or should I convert this app to war and install it into Tomcat? ...

How can I call controller/view helper methods from the console in Ruby on Rails?

... that's not included by default (say, because you removed helper :all from ApplicationController), just include the helper. >> include BogusHelper >> helper.bogus => "bogus output" As for dealing with controllers, I quote Nick's answer: > app.get '/posts/1' > response = app...

Determine project root from a running node.js application

... There are several ways to approach this, each with their own pros and cons: require.main.filename From http://nodejs.org/api/modules.html: When a file is run directly from Node, require.main is set to its module. That means that you can determin...

How to stop flask application without using ctrl-c

I want to implement a command which can stop flask application by using flask-script. I have searched the solution for a while. Because the framework doesn't provide "app.stop()" API, I am curious about how to code this. I am working on Ubuntu 12.10 and Python 2.7.3. ...

'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository

When I try to push my app to Heroku I get this response: 20 Answers 20 ...

How to verify Facebook access token?

...m/debug_token? input_token={token-to-inspect} &access_token={app-token-or-admin-token} See the check token docs for more information. An example response is: { "data": { "app_id": 138483919580948, "application": "Social Cafe", "expires_at": 1352419328,...

Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?

I am unit testing a .NET application (.exe) that uses an app.config file to load configuration properties. The unit test application itself does not have an app.config file. ...

how to remove X-Powered-By in ExpressJS [duplicate]

...ity,Save Bandwidth in ExpressJS(node.js). how to do it? it could be filter(app.use) ? 4 Answers ...

Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate]

...this with help from Android download binary file problems and Install Application programmatically on Android . 5 Answ...

Error: request entity too large

...lutions I've found did not work. After some digging, I found that setting app.use(express.bodyParser({limit: '50mb'})); did set the limit correctly. When adding a console.log('Limit file size: '+limit); in node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/json.js:46 and restarting node, I ...