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Can I get “&&” or “-and” to work in PowerShell?

...: build if ($?) { run_tests } 2019/11/27: The &&operator is now available for PowerShell 7 Preview 5+: PS > echo "Hello!" && echo "World!" Hello! World! share | improve ...

What is an “unwrapped value” in Swift?

...birthday presents that come in stiff, hard, colored wrapping. You don't know if there's anything inside the wrapping until you unwrap the present — maybe there is nothing at all inside! If there is something inside, it could be yet another present, which is also wrapped, and which also might con...

How to correctly iterate through getElementsByClassName

... for ... of allows you to iterate over NodeList now as in for (slide of slides) Distribute(slide). Browser support is patchy, but if you're transpiling then for ... of will be converted, but NodeList.forEach wouldn't. – Mr5o1 Oct 22 ...

UITableViewCell, show delete button on swipe

... Also important to know: these are UITableViewDataSource methods and NOT UITableViewDelegate methods. – Dave Albert May 14 '13 at 9:49 ...

Equation (expression) parser with precedence?

...l, you actually have a hope at scaling up later, showing other people you know that parsers are the domain of parsing tools. Update: People here have offered much sound advice. My only warning against skipping the parsing tools or just using the Shunting Yard algorithm or a hand rolled recursive...

How to set input type date's default value to today?

... Ruby: (Also) DateTime.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") – Adam Grant Mar 2 '16 at 5:48 ...

Specify sudo password for Ansible

...extra-vars "ansible_sudo_pass=yourPassword" Update 2017: Ansible now uses var ansible_become_pass. Either seems to work. share | improve this answer | follow ...

How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript?

...ype.toString= function() { return 'Shape at '+this.x+', '+this.y; }; Now to subclass it, in as much as you can call what JavaScript does subclassing. We do that by completely replacing that weird magic prototype property: function Circle(x, y, r) { Shape.call(this, x, y); // invoke the ba...

NVIDIA vs AMD: GPGPU performance

... in scientific computing), tilt the balance in favor of CUDA (at least for now). EDIT Jan 12, 2013 It's been two years since I made this post and it still seems to attract views sometimes. So I have decided to clarify a few things AMD has stepped up their game. They now have both BLAS and FFT ...

C++11 introduced a standardized memory model. What does it mean? And how is it going to affect C++ p

...n any system with a compliant C++ compiler, whether today or 50 years from now. The abstract machine in the C++98/C++03 specification is fundamentally single-threaded. So it is not possible to write multi-threaded C++ code that is "fully portable" with respect to the spec. The spec does not even ...