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Static variables in JavaScript

...ction Podcast() { // private variables var _somePrivateVariable = 123; // object properties (read/write) this.title = 'Astronomy Cast'; this.description = 'A fact-based journey through the galaxy.'; this.link = 'http://www.astronomycast.com'; // for read access to _som...

Insert a commit before the root commit in Git?

...g with a TON of merge conflicts. Any advice? :(( – kp123 Dec 31 '19 at 20:03 @kp123 try an empty commit :) ...

Send string to stdin

...3f 776d 0b3f be4b 0d3f ...?x..?wm.?.K.? 0000110: 4427 0f3f 0000 113f e8d5 123f f3a8 143f D'.?...?...?...? 0000120: 1879 163f 4e46 183f 8d10 1a3f cad7 1b3f .y.?NF.?...?...? 0000130: fe9b 1d3f 1f5d 1f3f 241b 213f 06d6 223f ...?.].?$.!?.."? 0000140: bb8d 243f 3a42 263f 7cf3 273f 78a1 293f ..$?:B&a...

String concatenation: concat() vs “+” operator

...ing a = "abc"; public String b = "xyz"; public String c = "123"; } @org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State(Scope.Thread) public static class State4 { public String a = "abc"; public String b = "xyz"; public String c = "123"; public String d = ...

facebook: permanent Page Access Token?

...your browser. The response should look like this: {"access_token":"ABC123","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":5183791} "ABC123" will be your long-lived access token. You can put it into the Access Token Debugger to verify. Under "Expires" it should have something like "2 months". 3. Get User...

REST / SOAP endpoints for a WCF service

... REST request try it in browser, http://www.example.com/xml/accounts/A123 SOAP request client endpoint configuration for SOAP service after adding the service reference, <client> <endpoint address="http://www.example.com/soap" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="ITestSe...

How to modify a pull request on GitHub to change target branch to merge into?

...ious PR reference the "old" pull request from the new one; eg. Supersedes #123 (as commented below by Rivera) (original answer, valid only when creating the PR) You could try and chose another base branch, as in "Changing the branch range and destination repository" (Clicking on the Edit button...

What's an elegant way to conditionally add a class to an HTML element in a view?

...ass_names({ foo: true, bar: false }) # => "foo" class_names(nil, false, 123, "", "foo", { bar: true }) # => "123 foo bar" Sources: Link to the corresponding PR. Link to the class_names docs. share | ...

Best way to represent a fraction in Java?

...on("Unknown format '" + s + "'"); } // this translates 23.123e5 to 25,123 / 1000 * 10^5 = 2,512,300 / 1 (GCD) String whole = m.group(1); String decimal = m.group(2); String exponent = m.group(3); String n = whole; // 23.123 => 23123 ...

Static/Dynamic vs Strong/Weak

...kly typed that "12" + "34" would equal "46", but "12" + "34Q" would equal "1234Q" [fortunately, one could write "12" & "34" if one wanted concatenation]. Curiously, variables holding numbers stored them as double-precision floats, and math on such variables used the floating-point values without...