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Google Play app description formatting

I've made an Android application that is available on Google Play. Now I want to add some more formatting to my app description (eg. indent, links, lists..). But I cannot find any website where possible formatting is listed. Google Help pages cannot help me either on this subject. There exists a lot...

How to access parent scope from within a custom directive *with own scope* in AngularJS?

...rom directive html template index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="plunker"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>AngularJS Plunker</title> <script>document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');</script> &lt...

A complete solution to LOCALLY validate an in-app receipts and bundle receipts on iOS 7

I have read a lot of docs and code that in theory will validate an in-app and/or bundle receipt. 3 Answers ...

Crash logs generated by iPhone Simulator?

... The console will show the NSLog() output from an app running in the simulator. The crash logs are saved to file. I have found some in my home directory under ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ They have a file extension of .crash Something I haven't yet figured out is h...

Delete keychain items when an app is uninstalled

...antage of the fact that NSUserDefaults are cleared by uninstallation of an app. For example: - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { //Clear keychain on first run in case of reinstallation if (![[NSUserDefaults standardU...

How to launch an Activity from another Application in Android

I want to launch an installed package from my Android application. I assume that it is possible using intents, but I didn't find a way of doing it. Is there a link, where to find the information? ...

How to structure a express.js application?

Is there a common convention for breaking up and modularizing the app.js file in an Express.js application? Or is it common to keep everything in a single file? ...

What is the App_Data folder used for in Visual Studio?

When creating a new ASP.NET application in Visual Studio, a couple of files and folders are created automatically. One of those folders is called App_Data . ...

Check if my app has a new version on AppStore

I would like to manually check if there are new updates for my app while the user is in it, and prompt him to download the new version. Can I do this by checking the version of my app in the app store - programatically? ...

Android.app Fragments vs. android.support.v4.app using ViewPager?

...s a specific example, the ViewPager class. My intention is to create an app with similar functionality to the sample provided on the Android Developer website ( http://developer.android.com/training/animation/screen-slide.html or http://developer.android.com/training/implementing-navigation/lat...