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Android Archive Library (aar) vs standard jar

...articles about the new adoption of Gradle as the standard build system for Android apps. Well, coming from standard Java development I usually depend on jar files in order to build my project. However it seems that Android has also aar packages, which are the equivalent to the dll files in a W...

install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents)

...determine who to launch when reporting bugs with the app, for implementing Android Feedback. (This was also one of the times the API method arguments changed.) For at least a long while after it was introduced, Market still didn't use it to track the apps it has installed (and it may very well sti...

Display back button on action bar

...); and then you can custom the back event at onOptionsItemSelected case android.R.id.home: this.finish(); return true; share | improve this answer | follow ...

How can I use external JARs in an Android project?

I have created an Android project and added an external JAR (hessian-4.0.1.jar) to my project. I then added the JAR to the build path and checked it off in Order and Export. ...

How to test android referral tracking?

...mplementing some code to do my own referral tracking on downloads from the Android market. 8 Answers ...

Why Android Studio says “Waiting For Debugger” if am NOT debugging?

I am working with Android Studio. Since last night, when I Run my project on my device, appear the message "Waiting For Debugger". It is a very strange behavior because I am not debugging application. ...

Disabling the fullscreen editing view for soft keyboard input in landscape?

On Android devices that use soft keyboards, I want to prevent the fullscreen keyboard editing view (shown below) from appearing when in landscape mode (i.e. I want to see only the soft keyboard itself and my view behind it). ...

Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android

Is there any way to slow the scroll speed with the viewpager adaptor in android? 10 Answers ...

Unwanted padding around an ImageView

... finally! <ImageView (...) android:adjustViewBounds="true" /> the adjustViewbounds attribute did the trick: Set this to true if you want the ImageView to adjust its bounds to preserve the aspect ratio of its drawable. i stumbled upon it here...

Android emulator: How to monitor network traffic?

How do I monitor network traffic sent and received from my android emulator? 11 Answers ...