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Detect iPad Mini in HTML5

Apple's iPad Mini is a smaller clone of the iPad 2 in more ways than we'd want. In JavaScript, the window.navigator object exposes the same values for the Mini and iPad 2. My tests so far to detect the difference have not lead to success. ...

How are ssl certificates verified?

...ted certificate authority. The certificate contains the domain name and/or ip address of the web server. Your web browser confirms with the certificate authority that the address listed in the certificate is the one to which it has an open connection. Your web browser generates a shared symmetric k...

UDP vs TCP, how much faster is it? [closed]

...dges a set of packets, calculated by using the TCP window size and round-trip time (RTT). For more information, I recommend the simple, but very comprehensible Skullbox explanation (TCP vs. UDP) share | ...

Cookies vs. sessions

...omes invalid. If it was all based on cookies, a user (or hacker) could manipulate their cookie data and then play requests to your site. Edit: I don't think there is any advantage to using cookies, other than simplicity. Look at it this way... Does the user have any reason to know their ID#? Ty...

Master-master vs master-slave database architecture?

... this is that it is very hard to preserve absolute consistency. See the wikipedia article for more. Wikipedia seems to have a nice summary of the advantages and disadvantages Advantages If one master fails, other masters will continue to update the database. Masters can be located ...

403 Forbidden vs 401 Unauthorized HTTP responses

...as. I typically use this status code for resources that are locked down by IP address ranges or files in my webroot that I don't want direct access to (i.e. a script must serve them). – Kyle May 9 '13 at 13:20 ...

What's the difference between streams and datagrams in network programming?

...datagram socket when order is less important than timely delivery (think VoIP or game protocols), when you don't want the higher overhead of a stream (this is why DNS is primarily a datagram protocol, so that servers can respond to many, many requests at once very quickly), or when you don't care to...

Using Custom Domains With IIS Express

... You could also use a URL like http://jam. if you don't want modify your hosts file. Plus, any collaborators won't need to modify theirs. See xip.io. – Zack Martin Aug 11 '16 at 16:12 ...

Working Soap client example

...ement simple SOAP clients in Java, you can use the SAAJ framework (it is shipped with JSE 1.6 and above): SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) is mainly used for dealing directly with SOAP Request/Response messages which happens behind the scenes in any Web Service API. It allows the develo...

How to find the operating system version using JavaScript?

How can I find the OS name and OS version using JavaScript? 13 Answers 13 ...