大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0388秒) [XML]
this is a well documented bug in some versions of android. that is, on google experience builds of android, image capture doesn't work as documented. what i've generally used is something like this in a utilities class.
public boolean hasImageCaptureBug() {
// list of ...
Manually put files to Android emulator SD card
...u are using Eclipse you can move files to and from the SD Card through the Android Perspective (it is called DDMS in Eclipse). Just select the Emulator in the left part of the screen and then choose the File Explorer tab. Above the list with your files should be two symbols, one with an arrow pointi...
Detecting iOS / Android Operating system
...QR codes on a page, I'd like to detect the current operating system (Apple/Android/Other[not supported]) and modify my elements based on that value.
How to start new activity on button click
In an Android application, how do you start a new activity (GUI) when a button in another activity is clicked, and how do you pass data between these two activities?
How to change the icon of an Android app in Eclipse?
I am developing an app using Eclipse IDE Juno and Android SDK.
6 Answers
Programmatically register a broadcast receiver
...etting() to control whether these components are active:
http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/PackageManager.html#setComponentEnabledSetting(android.content.ComponentName, int, int)
Note if you are only interested in receiving a broadcast while you are running, it is better to...
ADB No Devices Found
I am attempting to install an Android app on my brand new Nexus 10 . I have a .apk file. I have downloaded the Android SDK, installed "Android SDK Tools", "Android SDK Platform-tools", and Google USB Driver. I have checked the setting on my Nexus 10 for "Unknown Sources".
Android Archive Library (aar) vs standard jar
...articles about the new adoption of Gradle as the standard build system for Android apps. Well, coming from standard Java development I usually depend on jar files in order to build my project. However it seems that Android has also aar packages, which are the equivalent to the dll files in a W...
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents)
...determine who to launch when reporting bugs with the app, for implementing Android Feedback. (This was also one of the times the API method arguments changed.) For at least a long while after it was introduced, Market still didn't use it to track the apps it has installed (and it may very well sti...
Typical .gitignore file for an Android app
Just put an Android project under git ( beanstalk ) version control via the command line ( mac terminal ). Next step is to set up exclusions.