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逆向工程——二进制炸弹(CSAPP Project) - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注...

...hase_1也不过10+行指令,但最初我的出发点错了:完全依靠人工去读代码而不使用更便捷的gdb去调试和查看内存和寄存器的情况。 比方说,困扰了我好几天之久的strings_not_equal函数。现在看来,函数的名字已再清楚不过的体现了...

How does __proto__ differ from constructor.prototype?

...ototype) to create Eve (Object). Then who created Adam (Function)? -- The Inventor of the JavaScript language :-). According to utsaina's answer, I want to add more useful info. The most surprising thing for me was discovering that Object.__proto__ points to Function.prototype, instead of O...

AI2 SideBar Extension

...ve contains the source code, the compiled binary for uploading to the App Inventor and a sample application. Usage Pixel vs. DIP App Inventor 2 uses the unit of pixels to define the width and height of elements. However, this does not mean a (hardware) pixel on the display, but a DIP (Device Inde...

高并发服务端分布式系统设计概要 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...,这个很不常见,因为它没有任何压力,而且挂掉了必须人工干预才能修复。在GFS + Bigtable里,这个Global Heartbeat叫做Lock Service。 现在接着设计我们的“山推”系统。有了前面两篇的铺垫,我们的系统现在已经有了五脏六腑,...

Why is the C++ STL is so heavily based on templates? (and not on *interfaces*)

...e classes. Are you going to say that "Java, which is nothing like what the inventor of the term OOP had in mind is more OOP than C++ which also is nothing like what the inventor of the term OOP had in mind"? What you mean to say is "C++ is not Java-like enough for my taste". That is fair, but it has...

程序员,你有多久没有跳出技术关注业界了? - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


shared_ptr指针被赋值后,原指针会引用清零、自动释放。 - C/C++ - 清泛网 ...

...hared_ptr<int> p) { intg = p; // 原指针释放,存储新的智能指针 //*(intg.get()) = *(p.get()); // 原指针不释放,仅修改原指针指向的内容 } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { { std::shared_ptr<int> sp(new int(2)); ...

MFC CFormView和CView区别 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...使用最低级的手段来显示这些数据,在OnDraw函数中,直接人工编码在CDC对象上画图。而对话框要显示的是control,windows知道如何显示,因此不需要编码显示对话框。 视图是显示文档数据或图形的一个矩形区域,一般位于窗口或...

八成网友:“提速降费”没诚意,运营商:委屈 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++...

...尝试,比如流量转赠、流量银行等新模式。中国联通的“智能沃家”推出全家桶的全新计费模式,全家可以共享一个套餐。 八成网友说三家都没诚意 “谁大半夜上网啊,而且在家都有WiFi好吗?” 不过,网友们显然觉得三大...

八张图读懂未来“互联网+”的六大趋势 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...与聚合、产业互联网化、产业金融化、个性化需求、O2O、智能工业。 趋势一:连接与聚合 趋势二:产业互联网化 趋势三:产业金融化 趋势四:个性化需求 趋势五:O2O将成为服务互联网的主要方式 趋势六:智慧工业时代 ...