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Change name of iPhone app in Xcode 4

I want to change the name which is displayed below the app icon on the iPhone screen. I use Xcode 4 and I have one target with keys: ...

How do you beta test an iphone app?

How can you beta test an iPhone app? I can get it on my own device, and anyone that gives me a device, I can run it on theirs, but is there a way to do a limited release via the app store for beta testing? ...

Controller not a function, got undefined, while defining controllers globally

I am writing a sample application using angularjs. i got an error mentioned below on chrome browser. 14 Answers ...

Can I have multiple Xcode versions installed?

...ions, but it probably doesn't make a big difference. See http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Xcode/Conceptual/XcodeCoexistence/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Details/Details.html this Apple Developer Connection page for lots of details. <- Page does not exist anymore! ...

乘着App的创业浪潮 行业短信也迎来了新生和爆发 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C...

乘着App的创业浪潮 行业短信也迎来了新生和爆发国内短信总量正在加速下降,数据正在赤裸裸地证明着这一切。然而在短信面临寒冬的大趋势之下,短信验证码,正随着移动互联网以及O2O、P2P爆发的浪潮迎来了新生。随着移动...

Debugging App When Launched by Push Notification

I am currently developing an app that receives Push Notifications. I have this all working 100% through a PHP page. There are several different types of push notifications my app can receive. The PHP handles this and sends different packets of information to my app which are all received just fine. ...

Kiosk mode in Android

I'm in the process of evaluating if and how a CF .NET enterprise application can be ported to run on Android devices. The application on Windows Mobile phones are run in kiosk mode where the application autostart in fullscreen-mode after booting and with the users unable to accidentally or willingly...

Launch an app on OS X with command line

I want to launch an app on OSX from a script. I need pass it command line arguments. Unfortunately, open doesn't accept command line args. ...

Android YouTube app Play Video Intent

I have created a app where you can download YouTube videos for android. Now, I want it so that if you play a video in the YouTube native app you can download it too. To do this, I need to know the Intent that the YouTube native app puts out in order to play the YouTube app. I could do this easiall...

How do I get an apk file from an Android device?

...ser 0 com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver <--- kills presidential alert app! (to view users run adb shell pm list users) This is a way to remove/uninstall (not from the phone as it comes back with factory reset) almost ANY app WITHOUT root INCLUDING system apps (hint the annoying update app tha...