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Windows: XAMPP vs WampServer vs EasyPHP vs alternative [closed]

...on asked here three years ago, but I want to open it up further to include all possible Windows/Apache/MySQL/PHP stacks. 5 ...

Checking if an instance's class implements an interface?

... "Yes!"; } class_implements() is part of the SPL extension. See: http://php.net/manual/en/function.class-implements.php Performance Tests Some simple performance tests show the costs of each approach: Given an instance of an object Object construction outside the loop (100,000 iterations) _...

PHP 5.4 Call-time pass-by-reference - Easy fix available?

Is there any way to easily fix this issue or do I really need to rewrite all the legacy code? 3 Answers ...

PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context

... @Sarfraz No offense, but it is still wrong. You can call an instance method with ::. It is against E_STRICT, but it does work as long as the method body does not reference the instance scope, e.g. uses $this. Also, self::foo will not point to $this->foo. It references a clas...

Access-Control-Allow-Origin error sending a jQuery Post to Google API's

I read a lot for the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error, but I don't understand what I have to fix :( 7 Answers ...

How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted?

...f subscribers and send out 150+ emails. (The emails are being sent individually as requested by the system administrators of our email server because of mass email policies.) ...

Parse query string into an array

... Technically PHP would also treat ?key=lorem&key=ipsum as if you only provided key=ipsum if that were the query string on the URL. And I think it's considered invalid to reuse the key and expect consistent results or that all ins...

Find out HTTP method in PHP [duplicate]

...e superglobals alternatives (Is using superglobals directly good or bad in PHP? and similar questions), one may instead use automatic sanitizing filter_input( \INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_METHOD', \FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS ) (you might of course use other filter, eg. FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING - see ...

What is cURL in PHP?

...the PHP manual. In order to use PHP's cURL functions you need to install the » libcurl package. PHP requires that you use libcurl 7.0.2-beta or higher. In PHP 4.2.3, you will need libcurl version 7.9.0 or higher. From PHP 4.3.0, you will need a libcurl version that's 7.9.8 or higher. ...

href image link download on click

...t, it's a good thing to know. Although you need modernizr, I now use it in all my projects so... I'll accept your answer as the new answer – Pierre May 1 '13 at 12:05 1 ...