大约有 19,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0268秒) [XML]


Boost.Asio的简单使用(Timer,Thread,Io_service类) - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...io的简单使用(Timer,Thread,Io_service类)2. 同步Timer本章介绍asio如何在定时器上进行阻塞等待(blocking wait).实现,我们包含必要的头文件.所有的asio类可以简单的通过include "...目录: 1. 同步Timer 2. 异步Timer 3. 回调函数的参数 4. 成员函...

json_encode is returning NULL?

... I bet you are retrieving data in non-utf8 encoding: try to put mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8') before your SELECT query. share | improve this answer | follo...

MySQL “WITH” clause

I'm trying to use MySQL to create a view with the "WITH" clause 8 Answers 8 ...

How can I append a string to an existing field in MySQL?

... You need to use the CONCAT() function in MySQL for string concatenation: UPDATE categories SET code = CONCAT(code, '_standard') WHERE id = 1; share | improve this...

How to change the CHARACTER SET (and COLLATION) throughout a database?

Our previous programmer set the wrong collation in a table (Mysql). He set it up with Latin collation, when it should be UTF8, and now I have issues. Every record with Chinese and Japan character turn to ??? character. ...

ZMQ: 基本原理 - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C++内核技术

...的一个。 本文的目的是解释ØMQ架构的基本概念,它们是如何组合起来的,以及它们被如此设计的原因。   拓扑 拓扑是ØMQ最主要的概念,除非你知道“拓扑”代表什么,否则将与其他概念混淆更难理解,甚至理解不当。 按...

Mysql: Select rows from a table that are not in another

... this only works as expected when none of the columns have NULL values. In MySQL NULL != NULL so every row that has a NULL value will be returned even if there is a duplicate row in the second table. – Kyle Kochis Apr 7 '15 at 2:49 ...

Increment value in mysql update query

... You could also just do this: mysql_query(" UPDATE member_profile SET points = points + 1 WHERE user_id = '".$userid."' "); share | improve...

PostgreSQL Autoincrement

I'm switching from MySQL to PostgreSQL and was wondering how I can do autoincrement values. I saw in the PostgreSQL docs a datatype "serial", but I get syntax errors when using it (in v8.0). ...

Using backticks around field names

...ering if there's anything wrong with using backticks around field names in MySQL. 11 Answers ...