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How to make a div fill a remaining horizontal space?

...om the display property. Basically you need to make the two divs act like table cells. So instead of using float:left, you'll have to use display:table-cell on both divs, and for the dynamic width div you need to set width:auto; also. The both divs should be placed into a 100% width container with ...

CSS: how do I create a gap between rows in a table?

Meaning making the resultant table look less like this: 12 Answers 12 ...

mysql :: insert into table, data from another table?

...correct method. But, if someone looking to insert more extra column in the table then you can get it from the following: INSERT INTO action_2_members (`campaign_id`, `mobile`, `email`, `vote`, `vote_date`, `current_time`) SELECT `campaign_id`, `from_number`, 'example@domain.xyz', `received_msg`, `d...

Using pg_dump to only get insert statements from one table within database

...looking for a way to get all rows as INSERT statements from one specific table within a database using pg_dump in PostgreSQL. ...

How can I modify the size of column in a MySQL table?

I have created a table and accidentally put varchar length as 300 instead of 65353 . How can I fix that? 2 Answers ...

How do I migrate a model out of one django app and into a new one?

...rd code #to use just one sentence: def forwards(self, orm): db.rename_table('common_cat', 'specific_cat') if not db.dry_run: # For permissions to work properly after migrating orm['contenttypes.contenttype'].objects.filter( app_label='common', model...

Computed / calculated / virtual / derived columns in PostgreSQL

...enerated columns are introduced with Postgres 12. Trivial example: CREATE TABLE tbl ( int1 int , int2 int , product bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS (int1 * int2) STORED ); db<>fiddle here VIRTUAL generated columns may come with one of the next iterations. (Not in Postgres 13, yet) . ...

How do I handle too long index names in a Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord migration?

...an unique index that gets created from the foreign keys of four associated tables: 9 Answers ...

How to create a DataTable in C# and how to add rows?

How do create a DataTable in C#? 13 Answers 13 ...

How can I export tables to Excel from a webpage [closed]

How can I export tables to Excel from a webpage. I want the export to contain all the formatting and colours. 14 Answers ...