大约有 1,024 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0161秒) [XML]
Multiple linear regression in Python
def reg_m(y, x):
ones = np.ones(len(x[0]))
X = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x[0], ones)))
for ele in x[1:]:
X = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((ele, X)))
results = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
return results
print reg_m(y, x).summary()
Loop through files in a folder using VBA?
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Text Progress Bar in the Console [closed]
... a similar one, but opted to leave out the import of the sys module while adding in some of the features of the original printProgressBar function above.
Some benefits of this approach over the original function above include the elimination of an initial call to the function to print the progress b...
Angular.js directive dynamic templateURL
....> should work well. Or maybe its time to construct a prototype at jsfilddle?
– pgregory
Feb 18 '14 at 16:23
How to sort an array by a date property
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Python debugging tips [closed]
SublimeText has a great plugin to add python breakpoints to code: sublime.wbond.net/packages/Python%20Breakpoints
– Dennis Golomazov
Sep 1 '14 at 10:56
Check if a program exists from a Makefile
...nt to use a foreach function with the which executable:
EXECUTABLES = ls dd dudu lxop
K := $(foreach exec,$(EXECUTABLES),\
$(if $(shell which $(exec)),some string,$(error "No $(exec) in PATH")))
Note the use of the := assignment operator that is required in order to force immediate evalu...
How to keep index when using pandas merge
...ry useful while working with large dataframe and using pd.merge_asof() (or dd.merge_asof()).
This approach would be superior when resetting index is expensive (large dataframe).
improve th...