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Why is volatile not considered useful in multithreaded C or C++ programming?

...g is to use a memory barrier, which indicates both to the compiler and the CPU that no memory access may be reordered across this point. Placing such barriers around our volatile variable access ensures that even non-volatile accesses won't be reordered across the volatile one, allowing us to write ...

How is the fork/join framework better than a thread pool?

...f thread pools and Fork/Join are alike: Both want to utilize the available CPU power the best they can for maximum throughput. Maximum throughput means that as many tasks as possible should be completed in a long period of time. What is needed to do that? (For the following we will assume that there...

Vsphere 6 集群上 安装 oracle rac 遇到的共享磁盘故障 - 数据库(内核) - ...

...。但是 oracle 启动不了。 分析 经过3天的测试,找问题,依然没有完全解决问题, 从三天的测试结果来看 无非是 SCSI 总线, SCSI 共享总线,和 磁盘锁定,多点写入参数的组合 实验结果如下 SCSI 总线 ...

Pulse Secure解决方案 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...ure解决方案概述一段时间以来,企业始终在面对接入控制问题。这个需求始自于扩展企业,在此,远程用户常使用未加管理或不可管理的设备接入关键的局域网...概述 一段时间以来,企业始终在面对接入控制问题。这个需求始...

为什么说自媒体到了最危险的时期? - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


互联网医疗新格局:顶级医生入场 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...不到好医生的原因是,互联网问诊多为“头疼脑热”的小问题,最优秀的医生并不愿意花时间。但顶级医生现在也需要一个分诊机制来获得更高质量的患者。 文/温泉 自2013年下半年以来,因一系列政策利好,互联网医疗行业...

SQL SELECT speed int vs varchar

...... obviously non-float are smaller than strings and floats, and thus more CPU friendly in assembly. String to string comparison in all languages is slower than something that can be compared in 1 instruction by the CPU. Even comparing 8 byte (64bit) on a 32bit CPU is still faster than a VARCHAR(2)...

泰迪熊为什么叫泰迪 - 杂谈 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...是 San Jose 通过路边 Ask.com 巨大的广告牌抛给我的第一个问题。 广告牌上除了这个问题和巨大的 Ask.com 之外什么也没有。我以前也曾经想过类似的招数,如果我是男生,就把博客里无聊的问题印在T恤上,来钓到好奇心重的女生...

Scanner vs. StringTokenizer vs. String.Split

... faster than any of two viz. StringTokenizer or String.split. But the CPU utilization for all the three is nearly the same. So we also need a method which is less CPU intensive, which I am still not able to find. share...

MySQL复制的概述、安装、故障、技巧、工具 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注...

...主机名作为名字,如此一来一旦主机名发生改变,就会出问题,所以推荐指定log_bin(从服务器的relay_log存在一样的问题)。 注:sync_binlog,innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit,innodb_support_xa三个选项都是出于安全目的设置的,不是复制的...