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How to get the current date without the time?

...f you wanted the UTC date you could use: DateTime dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Date; It's not very clear whether that's what you need or not though... if you're just looking to print the date, you can use: Console.WriteLine(dateTime.ToString("d")); or use an explicit format: Console.WriteLine(...

MySQL's now() +1 day

I'm using now() in MySQL query. 4 Answers 4 ...

Performance - Date.now() vs Date.getTime()

...ings are the same (edit semantically; performance is a little better with .now()): var t1 = Date.now(); var t2 = new Date().getTime(); However, the time value from any already-created Date instance is frozen at the time of its construction (or at whatever time/date it's been set to). That is, if ...

Difference between System.DateTime.Now and System.DateTime.Today

Can anyone explain the difference between System.DateTime.Now and System.DateTime.Today in C#.NET? Pros and cons of each if possible. ...

How to add 10 days to current time in Rails

... Use Time.now + 10.days or even 10.days.from_now Both definitely work. Are you sure you're in Rails and not just Ruby? If you definitely are in Rails, where are you trying to run this from? Note that Active Support has to be load...

How can I convert a datetime object to milliseconds since epoch (unix time) in Python?

...method timestamp: import datetime seconds_since_epoch = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() Your question stated that you needed milliseconds, which you can get like this: milliseconds_since_epoch = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000 If you use timestamp on a naive datetime object, the...

How to get UTC time in Python?

... Try this code that uses datetime.utcnow(): from datetime import datetime datetime.utcnow() For your purposes when you need to calculate an amount of time spent between two dates all that you need is to substract end and start dates. The results of such subst...

Implement touch using Python?

...k we should use pathlib2 instead of pathlib because pathlib is bugfix-only now. Therefore, on Python 2.7: pip install pathlib2 and then from pathlib2 import Path. – Ian Lin Nov 23 '18 at 8:58 ...

Convert datetime object to a String of date only in Python

... use t = datetime.datetime.now() to use current date – gizzmole Jul 17 '17 at 18:36 ...

Add timestamps to an existing table

...add_column :users, :updated_at, :datetime, null: false, default: Time.zone.now. Time.zone.now is just an example, you should use whatever value makes sense for your logic. – Delong Gao Jul 30 '19 at 23:46 ...