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How to parse a query string into a NameValueCollection in .NET

...ion of ParseQueryString: github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/mcs/class/System.Web/… the license for that is MIT X11:github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/LICENSE – sw. Jan 4 '13 at 17:09 ...

Android TextView with Clickable Links: how to capture clicks?

...ed to capture clicks on the links and open the links -- in my own internal WebView (not in the default browser.) 10 Answers...

How do you disable browser Autocomplete on web form field / input tag?

... autocomplete = on extension (if you're using Chrome) before you test your webapp. Else you'll feel real silly like me. ;) – Jo Liss Feb 26 '11 at 0:57 5 ...

How to run a background task in a servlet based web application?

... can be initiated by a ServletContextListener. Here's a kickoff example: @WebListener public class BackgroundJobManager implements ServletContextListener { private ScheduledExecutorService scheduler; @Override public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) { schedul...

How to make custom error pages work in ASP.NET MVC 4

... still applies) relies on having an ErrorController, so I use: <system.web> <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error"> <error redirect="~/Error/NotFound" statusCode="404" /> </customErrors> </system.web> And the controller contains the following...

淘宝大秒系统设计详解 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...数据缓存在客户端浏览器 将动态请求的读数据Cache在Web端 对读数据不做强一致性校验 对写数据进行基于时间的合理分片 对写请求做限流保护 对写数据进行强一致性校验 秒杀系统正是按照这个原则设计的...

ASP.NET Bundles how to disable minification

I have debug="true" in both my web.config(s) , and I just don't want my bundles minified, but nothing I do seems to disable it. I've tried enableoptimisations=false , here is my code: ...

config.assets.compile=true in Rails production, why not?

...ingerprinted assets very fast, and the serving of the files themselves are web-server-from-the-filesystem fast. Both dramatically faster than live compiling. To get the maximum advantage of the pipeline and fingerprinting, you need to set far-future headers on your web server, and enable gzip compr...

CSRF Token necessary when using Stateless(= Sessionless) Authentication?

...ect against cross site requests" http://angular-tips.com/blog/2014/05/json-web-tokens-introduction/ "If we go down the cookies way, you really need to do CSRF to avoid cross site requests. That is something we can forget when using JWT as you will see." (JWT = Json Web Token, a Token based authenti...

How do I make calls to a REST api using C#?

... The ASP.Net Web API has replaced the WCF Web API previously mentioned. I thought I'd post an updated answer since most of these responses are from early 2012, and this thread is one of the top results when doing a Google search for "cal...