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Reset local repository branch to be just like remote repository HEAD
...g your branch to exactly match the remote branch can be done in two steps:
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master
If you want to save your current branch's state before doing this (just in case), you can do:
git commit -a -m "Saving my work, just in case"
git branch my-saved-work
Now your...
Is git's semi-secret empty tree object reliable, and why is there not a symbolic name for it?
Git has a well-known, or at least sort-of-well-known, empty tree whose SHA1 is:
3 Answers
You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)
I made a branch called 'f' and did a checkout to master. When I tried the git pull command I got this message:
13 Answers...
Git push error '[remote rejected] master -> master (branch is currently checked out)'
Yesterday, I posted a question on how to clone a Git repository from one of my machines to another, How can I 'git clone' from another machine? .
How can I deploy/push only a subdirectory of my git repo to Heroku?
I have a project that uses Serve and is version controlled using Git. Serve creates an output folder with static files that I want to deploy to Heroku.
Applying a git post-commit hook to all current and future repos
I've written a Git post-commit hook and it works correctly. However, I want to add this hook to apply to all current (and future) git repositories I am working on. I tried adding the hook to my ~/.git/hooks/ instead of in the hooks directory in the project directory, however, this did not seem t...
Merge development branch with master
I have two branches namely master and development in a GitHub Repository. I am doing all my development in development branch as shown.
How do I get bash completion to work with aliases?
As stated in the comments above,
complete -o default -o nospace -F _git_checkout gco
will no longer work. However, there's a __git_complete function in git-completion.bash which can be used to set up completion for aliases like so:
__git_complete gco _git_checkout
Show which git tag you are on?
Edit: Jakub Narębski has more git-fu. The following much simpler command works perfectly:
git describe --tags
(Or without the --tags if you have checked out an annotated tag. My tag is lightweight, so I need the --tags.)
original answer follows:
git ...
LF will be replaced by CRLF in git - What is that and is it important? [duplicate]
When I create a new rails application I'm seeing a warning in git about LF replacement. I do
git init
git add .
2 ...