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Boost程序库完全开发指南——深入C++“准”标准库高清PDF版 - 文档下载 - ...
...下来马上就开始讲内存管理,介绍 shared_ptr 了,不能免俗啊。
这本书的另一个特色就是例子都是作者专心构造的,尽显作者给足了心想做本好书。比如讲 date_time 库的那一章,构造了一个信用卡的免息期的计算例子,例在身边...
融资千万美元后的足记要如何应对“爆款后遗症”? - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C...
How to convert a PNG image to a SVG? [closed]
...nm # PNG to PNM
potrace file.pnm -s -o file.svg # PNM to SVG
Explain options
potrace -s => Output file is SVG
potrace -o file.svg => Write output to file.svg
Input file = 2017.png
convert 2017.png 2017.pnm
Temporary file = 2017.pnm
potrace 2017.pnm -s -o 2017.svg
How to capitalize the first letter in a String in Ruby
...want it to, it outputs мария instead of Мария.
If you're using Rails there's an easy workaround:
"мария".mb_chars.capitalize.to_s # requires ActiveSupport::Multibyte
Otherwise, you'll have to install the unicode gem and use it like this:
require 'unicode'
Detecting iOS / Android Operating system
// Windows Phone must come first because its UA also contains "Android"
if (/windows phone/i.test(userAgent)) {
return "Windows Phone";
if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) {
return "Android";
// iOS detection from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/90...
为AppInventor2开发自己的拓展(Extension) - App Inventor 2 拓展 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!
Detect iPad users using jQuery?
...ption is incorrect as iOS apps can and do customize their user agent. The main offender here is Facebook.
Compare these user agent strings from iOS devices:
# iOS Safari
iPad: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B176 Safari/7534.4...
互联网数据造假盛行 浮夸风伤害创新经济 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
How can I concatenate two arrays in Java?
...files where some of the facilities like those mentioned by Antti are not available.
– kvn
Feb 7 '11 at 15:46
国务院:网速提40%流量不清零 三运营商尚未回应 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C+...
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