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Change bootstrap navbar collapse breakpoint without using LESS

... yes, collapse class is important for mobile screen so that if width is below 768px the navbar will be display:none, so the required action would be applied inside 768 and 1000 mark... – SaurabhLP Nov 7 '13 at 5:48 ...

How to fix: android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification posted from package *: Couldn't cre

...escribed in Providing Density-Specific Icon Sets and Supporting Multiple Screens, you should create separate icons for all generalized screen densities, including low-, medium-, high-, and extra-high-density screens. This ensures that your icons will display properly across the range of devi...

How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary?

... using the getPreferenceCount and getPreference functionality in PreferenceScreen and PreferenceCategory, you could easily write a generic function to walk the preference tree setting the summaries of all preferences of the types you desire to their toString representation ...

Inject service in app.config

... controller: 'CustomerCtrl' }) .when('/screen2', { templateUrl: bust('touch/screen2'), controller: 'Screen2Ctrl' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: bust('/') }); ...

Tablet or Phone - Android

...ice, Most of the time, the difference between a tablet and a phone is the screen size which is why you want to use different layout files. These files are stored in the res/layout-<qualifiers> directories. You can create an XML file in the directoy res/values-<same qualifiers> for each ...

Eclipse interface icons very small on high resolution screen in Windows 8.1

...pse (Kepler) interface are very, very small on a laptop with a 3200x1800px screen. The red error decoration that appears to indicate errors on files is difficult to see unless my nose a few cm from the screen. ...

How do you hide the Address bar in Google Chrome for Chrome Apps?

I want to increase the screen real estate for my Chrome app. The Address Bar is useless in a Chrome App and I was wondering if there was a way to disable it. ...

What is the definition of “interface” in object oriented programming

...t is off. Its interface are the buttons it has, the various plugs, and the screen. Its semantics and behavior are that it takes inputs (e.g., cable programming) and has outputs (display on the screen, sound, etc.). However, when you look at a TV that is not plugged in, you are projecting your expect...

Test a weekly cron job [closed]

...pt I wrote called 'crontest'. It launches the target command inside a GNU screen session from within cron, so that you can attach with a separate terminal to see what's going on, interact with the script, even use a debugger. To set this up, you would use "all stars" in your crontab entry, and spe...

Get screen width and height in Android

How can I get the screen width and height and use this value in: 29 Answers 29 ...