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What is mod_php?

... mod_php means PHP, as an Apache module. Basically, when loading mod_php as an Apache module, it allows Apache to interpret PHP files (those are interpreted by mod_php). EDIT : There are (at least) two ways of running PHP, when...

How to find the php.ini file used by the command line?

I need to enable pdo_mysql in my EasyPhp environment, so I went to php.ini file and uncommented the following line: 14 Answ...

2015年硅谷最火的高科技创业公司都有哪些 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...,容错处理,框架已经帮你做好了。 MapReduce模型有什么问题? 第一:需要写很多底层的代码不够高效,第二:所有的事情必须要转化成两个操作Map/Reduce,这本身就很奇怪,也不能解决所有的情况。 Spark从何而来?Spark相比于H...

PHP-FPM doesn't write to error log

I've just installed a nginx+php-fpm server. Everything seems fine except that PHP-FPM never writes error to its log. 11 Ans...

微博为什么限制140字(附短信70字限制考) - 程序人生、谈天论地 - 清泛IT论...


PHP code is not being executed, instead code shows on the page

I'm trying to execute some PHP code on a project (using Dreamweaver) but the code isn't being run. 27 Answers ...

技术人员如何创业《四》- 打造超强执行力团队 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++...

...么最终却达不到理想团队的效果呢? 要知道人的问题永远是最复杂、最难处理的,因为人是可变化的实体,而作为技术创业者的我们对于电脑、程序处理的得心应手,但对于人来说就不是那么容易了。和团队、和客户等...

C++并发编程(中文版) - 文档下载 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...28 第3章 在线程间共享数据… 29 3.1 线程之间共享数据的问题… 29 3.1.1 竞争条件… 31 3.1.2 避免有问题的竞争条件… 31 3.2 用互斥元保护共享数据… 32 3.2.1 使用C++中的互斥元… 32 3.2.2 用于保护共享数据的结构化代码… 33 3.2.3...

Apache shows PHP code instead of executing it

I have recently been trying to install PHP and Apache on my computer. After many hours, they're installed. I have modified the httpd.conf and php.ini files like everyone says. I then created a simple PHP script: ...

How to execute PHP code from the command line?

I would like to execute a single php statement like if(function_exists("my_func")) echo 'function exists'; directly with the command line without having to use a seperate php file. ...