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is there any way to force copy? copy without overwrite prompt, using windows?
I want to write a list of windows commands(it's a long list) where it does all these magical things for me, but whenever I use copy, it stops to ask fro overwrite prompt. When I type yes, it overwrites the old file then just stops there.
How to return an NSMutableArray from an NSSet
I'm able to put the contents of an NSSet into an NSMutableArray like this:
3 Answers
Get all keys of an NSDictionary as an NSArray
Is it possible to get all the keys from a specific NSDictionary as a seperate NSArray ?
3 Answers
File extension for PowerShell 3
All of us probably know .bat for Batch files.
1 Answer
Get file name and extension in Ruby
I'm working on a program to download a video from YouTube, convert it to MP3 and create a directory structure for the files.
What is choice_set in this Django app tutorial?
grep output to show only matching file
What is the option for grep that will allow me only to print the matching file and not the line within a file that matches the criteria?
What's a 3D doing in this HTML?
I'm trying to duplicate a mailer I got into my gmail by taking a look at its code. I see a lot of this in multiple source viewers:
Why does sed not replace all occurrences?
If I run this code in bash:
2 Answers
Assign one struct to another in C
Can you assign one instance of a struct to another, like so:
5 Answers