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Splitting a string into chunks of a certain size

...unkSize) { return Enumerable.Range(0, str.Length / chunkSize) .Select(i => str.Substring(i * chunkSize, chunkSize)); } Please note that additional code might be required to gracefully handle edge cases (null or empty input string, chunkSize == 0, input string length not divisible by...

Templated check for the existence of a class member function?

...SFINAE test template <typename T> class has_helloworld { typedef char one; struct two { char x[2]; }; template <typename C> static one test( decltype(&C::helloworld) ) ; template <typename C> static two test(...); public: enum { value = sizeof(test<...

Efficient Algorithm for Bit Reversal (from MSB->LSB to LSB->MSB) in C

... Bit Twiddling Hacks page: Fastest (lookup table): static const unsigned char BitReverseTable256[] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xD0, 0x30, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xF0, 0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xC8, 0x28, 0xA8, 0x68, 0xE8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xD8, 0x38, 0xB8, 0x78, 0xF...

Parsing command-line arguments in C?

... write a program that can compare two files line by line, word by word, or character by character in C. It has to be able to read in command line options -l -w -i or -- ... ...

How to convert integer to string in C? [duplicate]

... Use sprintf(): int someInt = 368; char str[12]; sprintf(str, "%d", someInt); All numbers that are representable by int will fit in a 12-char-array without overflow, unless your compiler is somehow using more than 32-bits for int. When using numbers with gre...

Difference between fprintf, printf and sprintf?

...tream is currently pointing. sprintf writes formatted text to an array of char, as opposed to a stream. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How can I programmatically get the MAC address of an iphone

..... - (NSString *)getMacAddress { int mgmtInfoBase[6]; char *msgBuffer = NULL; size_t length; unsigned char macAddress[6]; struct if_msghdr *interfaceMsgStruct; struct sockaddr_dl *socketStruct; NSString *errorFlag = NULL...

Does C have a “foreach” loop construct?

...de *(item) = (list); (item); (item) = (item)->next) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { list_node list[] = { { .next = &list[1], .data = "test 1" }, { .next = &list[2], .data = "test 2" }, { .next = NULL, .data = "test 3" } }; FOR_EACH(item, list) ...

Is the “struct hack” technically undefined behavior?

...sed as an array. It's passed to strcpy, in which case it decays to a plain char *, which happens to point to an object which can legally be interpreted as char [100]; inside the allocated object. – R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Sep 14 '10 at 23:34 ...

Creating your own header file in C

...ered Aug 18 '11 at 15:31 Oliver CharlesworthOliver Charlesworth 246k2626 gold badges510510 silver badges632632 bronze badges ...