大约有 15,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0202秒) [XML]


Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name (“relation does not exist”)

...each schema in order. Just like PATH in the shell or include_path in PHP, etc. You can check your current schema search path: SHOW search_path "$user",public You can change your schema search path: SET search_path TO showfinder,public; See also http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/ddl...

MySQL vs MongoDB 1000 reads

... to perform: One index lookup on the collection (assuming the entity is fetched by id) Retrieve the contents of one database page (the actual binary json document) So a b-tree lookup, and a binary page read. Log(n) + 1 IOs. If the indexes can reside entirely in memory, then 1 IO. In MySQL with ...

For..In loops in JavaScript - key value pairs

...rget is array you'll get a lot of methods alerted, e.g. indexOf, push, pop,etc.) share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Python + Django page redirect

... patterns('', (r'^one/$', redirect_to, {'url': '/another/'}), #etc... ) There is more in the generic views documentation. Credit - Carles Barrobés. Update #2: Django 1.3+ In Django 1.5 redirect_to no longer exists and has been replaced by RedirectView. Credit to Yonatan from django...

“Variable” variables in Javascript?

... array could be defined automatically via an input, database query, event, etc. elements.forEach( (element) => { elementIds[element] = document.getElementById(element); }); This example declares variable variables (keys in elementIds) based on the ID of each element,...

What is the difference between the | and || or operators?

... know what that is. It's used in conditional statements such as if, while, etc. condition1 || condition2 Evaluates to true if either condition1 OR condition2 is true. | is the bitwise OR operator. It's used to operate on two numbers. You look at each bit of each number individually and, if one o...

Enable Vim Syntax Highlighting By Default

... of basic stuff for you automatically (syntax, search highlighting, backup etc). You can then tweak it based on your needs. – oyenamit Jun 30 '12 at 14:51 3 ...

Check if passed argument is file or directory in Bash

...ou won't print any diagnosis for a block special, character special, FIFO, etc? Symlinks probably resolve to what's at the far end of the link; broken symlinks are more problematic. – Jonathan Leffler Mar 22 '19 at 15:14 ...

How to deploy correctly when using Composer's develop / production switch?

...hat only make sense in development, like tests, fake-data-tools, debugger, etc. 5 Answers ...

Why does the C preprocessor interpret the word “linux” as the constant “1”?

...le? It could also be > emptyfile.c or : > emptyfile.c or dd if=/etc/passwd of=emptyfile.c count=0 or … – Jonathan Leffler Oct 10 '13 at 14:07  |  ...