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How to wait for several Futures?

...ave several futures and need to wait until either any of them fails or all of them succeed. 8 Answers ...

How to fix “Attempted relative import in non-package” even with __init__.py

...ry to execute the above shell command, the fact that you need __init__.pys all the way down, and the __package__-modifying trickery (described below by BrenBarn) needed to allow these imports for executable scripts (e.g. when using a shebang and doing ./my_script.py at the Unix shell) would all be u...

What new capabilities do user-defined literals add to C++?

C++11 introduces user-defined literals which will allow the introduction of new literal syntax based on existing literals ( int , hex , string , float ) so that any type will be able to have a literal presentation. ...

Does use of final keyword in Java improve the performance?

... Usually not. For virtual methods, HotSpot keeps track of whether the method has actually been overridden, and is able to perform optimizations such as inlining on the assumption that a method hasn't been overridden - until it lo...

capturing self strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle

... Good answer, but I take small issue with you saying: “you can't refer to self or properties on self from within a block that will be strongly retained by self.” This is not strictly true. Please see my answer below. Better to say, “you must take...

When should I use nil and NULL in Objective-C?

... technically, they are exactly equal, you can send messages to both nil and to NULL. Idiomatically though nil is usually used to represent an object – cobbal Oct 14 '09 at 5:43 ...

JavaScript: What are .extend and .prototype used for?

...ate ).lol() // alert message In the snippet above, I define a method for all Date objects ( already existing ones and all new ones ). extend is usually a high level function that copies the prototype of a new subclass that you want to extend from the base class. So you can do something like: e...

How to import other Python files?

... importlib was added to Python 3 to programmatically import a module. It is just a wrapper around __import__, see the docs. import importlib moduleName = input('Enter module name:') importlib.import_module(moduleName) Note: the .py extension should be removed from mod...

How do you use the ellipsis slicing syntax in Python?

... item): ... if item is Ellipsis: ... return "Returning all items" ... else: ... return "return %r items" % item ... >>> x = TestEllipsis() >>> print x[2] return 2 items >>> print x[...] Returning all items Of course, there is the ...

Include all existing fields and add new fields to document

...t aggregation stage where I can instruct it to add a new field and include all existing fields, without having to list all the existing fields. ...