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Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP

...tion to worst but also from the solution needing the most control over the web server to the one needing the less. There don't seem to be an easy way to have one solution that is both fast and work everywhere. Using the X-SendFile header As documented by others it's actually the best way. The ba...

What's the main difference between Java SE and Java EE? [duplicate]

...va EE (formerly J2EE) is the enterprise edition of Java. With it, you make websites, Java Beans, and more powerful server applications. Besides the JVM, you need an application server Java EE-compatible, like Glassfish, JBoss, and others. ...

Attempt by security transparent method 'WebMatrix.WebData.PreApplicationStartCode.Start()'

... For me this error was because I did NOT have Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers installed after updating from MVC 4 to MVC 5. It was fixed by installing the NuGet package Install-Package -Id Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers ...

ASP.NET 4.5 has not been registered on the Web server

...efault. I unchecked "Use IIS Express" in my MVC 4 project properties page (Web tab), then I got the following error: 19 Ans...

What is the difference between the Eclipse Package Explorer and the Eclipse Project Explorer?

...orer view making it much more "sophisticated". For example if you have the web tools installed and you have a Dynamic Web Project, the Project Explorer shows you additional tree nodes like Deployment Descriptor and JavaScript Resources. You can see (and configure) all available contributions in Proj...

How can I “disable” zoom on a mobile web page?

I am creating a mobile web page that is basically a big form with several text inputs. 10 Answers ...

What, why or when it is better to choose cshtml vs aspx?

... simply loads the aspnet_isapi.dll that performs the compile and serves up web forms. The difference in the handler mapping is simply a method of allowing the two to co-exist on the same server allowing both MVC applications and WebForms applications to live under a common root. This allows http:/...

Token Authentication vs. Cookies

... A typical web app is mostly stateless, because of its request/response nature. The HTTP protocol is the best example of a stateless protocol. But since most web apps need state, in order to hold the state between server and client, coo...

Does Django scale? [closed]

I'm building a web application with Django. The reasons I chose Django were: 29 Answers ...

Node.js: how to consume SOAP XML web service

I wonder what is the best way to consume SOAP XML web service with node.js 13 Answers ...