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Creating your own header file in C

...ered Aug 18 '11 at 15:31 Oliver CharlesworthOliver Charlesworth 246k2626 gold badges510510 silver badges632632 bronze badges ...

Is there an easy way to return a string repeated X number of times?

... If you only intend to repeat the same character you can use the string constructor that accepts a char and the number of times to repeat it new String(char c, int count). For example, to repeat a dash five times: string result = new String('-', 5); Output: ----...

If strings are immutable in .NET, then why does Substring take O(n) time?

... typically use "substring" to extract a short string -- say, ten or twenty characters -- out of a somewhat longer string -- maybe a couple hundred characters. You have a line of text in a comma-separated file and you want to extract the third field, which is a last name. The line will be maybe a cou...

Check if character is number?

... You could use comparison operators to see if it is in the range of digit characters: var c = justPrices[i].substr(commapos+2,1); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { // it is a number } else { // it isn't } ...

Splitting a string into chunks of a certain size

...unkSize) { return Enumerable.Range(0, str.Length / chunkSize) .Select(i => str.Substring(i * chunkSize, chunkSize)); } Please note that additional code might be required to gracefully handle edge cases (null or empty input string, chunkSize == 0, input string length not divisible by...

What is a “surrogate pair” in Java?

... The term "surrogate pair" refers to a means of encoding Unicode characters with high code-points in the UTF-16 encoding scheme. In the Unicode character encoding, characters are mapped to values between 0x0 and 0x10FFFF. Internally, Java uses the UTF-16 encoding scheme to store strings ...

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python

...de a small code in OpenCV. It does following things: It loads the image. Selects the digits ( obviously by contour finding and applying constraints on area and height of letters to avoid false detections). Draws the bounding rectangle around one letter and wait for key press manually. This time we...

How to get the separate digits of an int number?

... Convert it to String and use String#toCharArray() or String#split(). String number = String.valueOf(someInt); char[] digits1 = number.toCharArray(); // or: String[] digits2 = number.split("(?<=.)"); In case you're already on Java 8 and you happen to want t...

Best way to reverse a string

... public static string Reverse( string s ) { char[] charArray = s.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse( charArray ); return new string( charArray ); } share | improve ...

Compile time string hashing

...7b82d07L, ... }; template<size_t idx> constexpr uint32_t crc32(const char * str) { return (crc32<idx-1>(str) >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc32<idx-1>(str) ^ str[idx]) & 0x000000FF]; } // This is the stop-recursion function template<> constexpr uint32_t crc32<size_t(-...