大约有 2,180 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0702秒) [XML]
Fastest way to check if a string is JSON in PHP?
$phone = '021234567'; var_dump(isJson($phone)); return true no! it should return false.
– vee
Jan 2 '14 at 17:12
Cast a Double Variable to Decimal
...hould use the M when declaring a new literal decimal value:
decimal dec = 123.45M;
(Without the M, 123.45 is treated as a double and will not compile.)
improve this answer
Does Javascript pass by reference? [duplicate]
Primitive types are passed by-value:
var num = 123, str = "foo";
function f(num, str) {
num += 1;
str += "bar";
console.log("inside of f:", num, str);
f(num, str);
console.log("outside of f:", num, str);
Reassignments inside a function scope are ...
Difference between filter and filter_by in SQLAlchemy
Be careful when using .filter. a query like id=12345, query(users).filter(id == id) will not filter on users.id. Instead, it will evaluate id == id as True and return all users. You need to use .filter(users.id == id) (as demoed above). I made this mistake earlier today.
What is a method group in C#?
...) overload which takes a string parameter:
Func<string,string> fn = 123.ToString;
This example picks the ToString() overload which takes no parameters:
Func<string> fn = 123.ToString;
How to measure time taken by a function to execute
...returns the number of microseconds in the fractional (e.g. a value of 1000.123 is 1 second and 123 microseconds).
now() is monotonically increasing. This is important as Date.getTime() can possibly jump forward or even backward on subsequent calls. Notably, if the OS's system time is updated (e.g....
How to validate an OAuth 2.0 access token for a resource server?
Google way
Google Oauth2 Token Validation
What are the most-used vim commands/keypresses?
... blank line; } next blank line
By file:
gg start of file; G end of file
123G go to specific line number
By marker:
mx set mark x; 'x go to mark x
'. go to position of last edit
' ' go back to last point before jump
^F forward full screen; ^B backward full screen
^D down half scre...
Should struct definitions go in .h or .c file?
...r version:
#include "api.h"
void good(struct s *foo)
api_func(foo, 123);
This one pokes around in the implementation details:
#include "api.h"
void bad(struct s *foo)
foo->internal = 123;
which will work with the "definition in header" version, but not with the "definition...
import module from string variable
...ike importlib.import_module("feature.email")
– Seanny123
Dec 6 '13 at 7:13
Finally, also remem...