大约有 46,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0514秒) [XML]
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services (via Bazaar)
... new Google Maps API V2 for Android, and I'm getting this message when the app launches:
12 Answers
What is the entry point of swift code execution?
...les in the module can only contain declarations).
Cocoa Touch uses the @UIApplicationMain attribute on an implementation of UIApplicationDelegate instead of a main.swift file to mark the entry point. Cocoa used to use a minimal main.swift file which simply called NSApplicationMain, but as of Xcode ...
Unable to find a locale path to store translations for file __init__.py
I'm trying to translate a Django app. I created some strings with {% trans %} in my templates. However, when I execute the following command in my app folder, I receive an error message:
乘着App的创业浪潮 行业短信也迎来了新生和爆发 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C...
乘着App的创业浪潮 行业短信也迎来了新生和爆发国内短信总量正在加速下降,数据正在赤裸裸地证明着这一切。然而在短信面临寒冬的大趋势之下,短信验证码,正随着移动互联网以及O2O、P2P爆发的浪潮迎来了新生。随着移动...
File uploading with Express 4.0: req.files undefined
...ng with Express 4.0 but I keep getting undefined for req.files in the app.post body. Here is the relevant code:
9 An...
How do you hide the Address bar in Google Chrome for Chrome Apps?
I want to increase the screen real estate for my Chrome app. The Address Bar is useless in a Chrome App and I was wondering if there was a way to disable it.
Best practice for nested fragments in Android 4.0, 4.1 (
I'm writing an app for 4.0 and 4.1 tablets, for which I do not want to use the support libraries (if not needed) but the 4.x api only therefore.
How do I run a node.js app as a background service?
Copying my own answer from How do I run a Node.js application as its own process?
2015 answer: nearly every Linux distro comes with systemd, which means forever, monit, PM2, etc are no longer necessary - your OS already handles these tasks.
Make a myapp.service file (repl...
ASP.NET_SessionId + OWIN Cookies do not send to browser
...ite self explanatory. If you ever store something to session state in your application, this module will do a little more work for each request.
Back to our login problem
With all these pieces your scenarios can be explained.
Case 1 - Session was never set
Is it possible to download an old APK for my app from Google Play?
Over the last few months, I've published several revisions to my app. Unfortunately, I didn't keep copies of all the old APKs, and now I'd like to test upgrade from the old versions to my new version. Is there any way to download Google's copy of my old versions? The Google Play developer console sh...