大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0317秒) [XML]
jQuery get specific option tag text
...Here is this answer expanded if you want to get the value dynamically: var selectValue = document.getElementById('list').value; var selectOption = $("#list option[value=" + selectValue + "]").text(); ///good example nickf.
– Kevin Florida
Apr 5 '11 at 13:48
html select option separator
How do you make a separator in a select tag?
14 Answers
Get names of all files from a folder with Ruby
...ng subdirectories and ".", ".." dotted folders:
Dir.entries("your/folder").select { |f| File.file? File.join("your/folder", f) }
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ORDER BY the IN value list
... (introduced in PostgreSQL 8.2) VALUES (), ().
Syntax will be like this:
select c.*
from comments c
join (
) as x (id, ordering) on c.id = x.id
order by x.ordering
How to get equal width of input and select fields
On the form, I have one select and two input fields. These elements are vertically aligned. Unfortunately, I can't get equal width of these elements.
How to get the number of days of difference between two dates on mysql?
...lues are
used in the calculation
In your case, you'd use :
mysql> select datediff('2010-04-15', '2010-04-12');
| datediff('2010-04-15', '2010-04-12') |
| 3 |
Max or Default?
...d, you can get around this limitation by casting to a nullable within your select. My VB is a little rusty, but I think it'd go something like this:
Dim x = (From y In context.MyTable _
Where y.MyField = value _
Select CType(y.MyCounter, Integer?)).Max
Or in C#:
var x = (from y...
Counting DISTINCT over multiple columns
... function turns the ints into varchars to make the distinct more reliable
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (CHECKSUM(DocumentId,DocumentSessionId)) + CHECKSUM(REVERSE(DocumentId),REVERSE(DocumentSessionId)) )
FROM DocumentOutPutItems
PhpStorm wrap/surround selection?
... to wrap a certain part of text. Is there any shortcut to wrap the current selection, for example:
4 Answers
How to select rows from a DataFrame based on column values?
How to select rows from a DataFrame based on values in some column in Pandas?
10 Answers