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html onchange event not working

... 'onkeypres', 'onkeyup', etc. is not a solution when one wants to call a function only if the text has changed! Key events produce an unnecessary traffic in this case. (Very strange that this reply has been chosen as a solution, esp. with so meny vo...

Why would one use REST instead of SOAP based services? [closed]

...ess duplication (HTTP already represents operations like DELETE, PUT, GET, etc. that have to otherwise be represented in a SOAP envelope). More standardized - HTTP operations are well understood and operate consistently. Some SOAP implementations can get finicky. More human readable and testable ...

How to specify JVM maximum heap size “-Xmx” for running an application with “run” action in SBT?

...sbt version. Since sbt 0.13.6 .sbtconfig is deprecated. Modify /usr/local/etc/sbtopts along these lines: -J-Xms512M -J-Xmx3536M -J-Xss1M -J-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -J-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -J-XX:MaxPermSize=724M -J-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 You can a...

How to load all modules in a folder?

... pyc files can be included easily, and you are forgetting .pyd or .so libs etc too – Anurag Uniyal Mar 5 '12 at 3:26 36 ...

python multithreading wait till all threads finished

...ng something, wont this first run t1, wait till its finish, then go to t2..etc,etc ? how do make it all happen at once? i dont see how this would run them at the same time? – Inbar Rose Aug 15 '12 at 12:01 ...

Return anonymous type results?

...ting returning dogs, and then accessing the breed name via a property path etc. That's a perfectly reasonable approach, but IME it leads to situations where you've done a query in a particular way because of the data you want to use - and that meta-information is lost when you just return IEnumerabl...

what is the difference between OLE DB and ODBC data sources?

...ocol in managed code, only using native code to handle the TCP/Named Pipes/etc transmission over the network. For databases that don't have a managed provider of their own, you can use System.Data.OleDb to wrap OLE DB or System.Data.Odbc to wrap ODBC, but it's not recommended. –...

PHP code is not being executed, instead code shows on the page

... I'm running Apache on Ubuntu and my issue was that the /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf file was missing this: <FilesMatch ".+\.ph(p[345]?|t|tml)$"> SetHandler application/x-httpd-php </FilesMatch> I added it back in and php was parsing php files correctly....

Why do people say that Ruby is slow? [closed]

...Nginx, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, many parsing libraries, RMagick, TCP/IP, etc are C programs used by Ruby. Ruby provides the glue and the business logic. What are your options as a Ruby programmer if you want to deal with this "slowness"? Switch to a faster language. But that carries a c...

Ruby on Rails Server options [closed]

...alled an app server cluster (hence the name Mongrel Cluster, Thin Cluster, etc). You must then setup Apache or Nginx to reverse proxy to this cluster. Apache/Nginx will take care of distributing requests between the instances in the cluster (More on this in section "I/O concurrency models"). The web...