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django : using select_related and get_object_or_404 together

Is there any way of using get_object_or_404 and select_related together or any other way to achieve the result of using these two together(except from putting it in try/except)?? ...

How does free know how much to free?

... FYI, for example BSD has malloc_size() to reliably access the block size from an malloc()ed pointer. But there's no reliable, portable way. – laalto Oct 5 '09 at 7:53 ...

Convert UTC datetime string to local datetime

... this. The dateutil.zoneinfo module I was showing previously is used internally by the tz module as a fall back if it can't locate the system's zoneinfo DB. If you look inside the library you'll see that there's a zoneinfo DB tarball in the package that it uses if it can't find your system's DB. My...

Using curl to upload POST data with files

... I think its really useful. public function postFile() { $file_url = "test.txt"; //here is the file route, in this case is on same directory but you can set URL too like "http://examplewebsite.com/test.txt" $eol = "\r\n"; //default line-break for mime type $BOUNDARY = m...

How to print register values in GDB?

... info registers shows all the registers; info registers eax shows just the register eax. The command can be abbreviated as i r share | improve th...

Current time in microseconds in java

...ble on many platforms, 2) returning millisecond accuracy in a microsecond call leads to application portability issues. – Stephen C Nov 11 '09 at 4:17 9 ...

What is a lambda (function)?

...us and refers to anonymous functions in programming. Why is this cool? It allows you to write quick throw away functions without naming them. It also provides a nice way to write closures. With that power you can do things like this. Python def adder(x): return lambda y: x + y add5 = adder(5)...

How do you get a Golang program to print the line number of the error it just called?

...Fatal was ran. Is there no way of getting access to the line number that called log.Fatal? i.e. is there a way to get the line number when throwing an error? ...

How to convert a string or integer to binary in Ruby?

... You would naturally use Integer#to_s(2), String#to_i(2) or "%b" in a real program, but, if you're interested in how the translation works, this method calculates the binary representation of a given integer using basic operators: def int_t...

LINQ: Distinct values

... Oh so by "larger type" you may mean I still want all properties in the result even though I only want to compare a few properties to determine distinctness? – The Red Pea Sep 20 '16 at 14:31 ...