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Javascript roundoff number to nearest 0.5

Can someone give me an idea how can i round off a number to the nearest 0.5. I have to scale elements in a web page according to screen resolution and for that i can only assign font size in pts to 1, 1.5 or 2 and onwards etc. ...

jQuery: How can i create a simple overlay?

... 202 An overlay is, simply put, a div that stays fixed on the screen (no matter if you scroll) and h...

What is the best way to compute trending topics or tags?

... 104 This problem calls for a z-score or standard score, which will take into account the historical...

Array slicing in Ruby: explanation for illogical behaviour (taken from Rubykoans.com)

... 10 Answers 10 Active ...

Integer division with remainder in JavaScript?

... 1309 For some number y and some divisor x compute the quotient (quotient) and remainder (remainder) ...

Convert character to ASCII code in JavaScript

... 10 Answers 10 Active ...

Common xlabel/ylabel for matplotlib subplots

...lots(nrows=3, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(6, 6)) fig.text(0.5, 0.04, 'common X', ha='center') fig.text(0.04, 0.5, 'common Y', va='center', rotation='vertical') share | improve th...

The simplest possible JavaScript countdown timer? [closed]

... 510 I have two demos, one with jQuery and one without. Neither use date functions and are about as s...

How to output only captured groups with sed?

... answered May 6 '10 at 2:39 Paused until further notice.Paused until further notice. 286k8181 gold badges340340 silver badges409409 bronze badges ...

CSS 3 slide-in from left transition

... One Relevant Code .wrapper:hover #slide { transition: 1s; left: 0; } In this case, Im just transitioning the position from left: -100px; to 0; with a 1s. duration. It's also possible to move the element using transform: translate(); CSS animation Demo Two #slide { position: abso...