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How to programmatically turn off WiFi on Android device? [duplicate]

I need to turn off the WiFi a while after pressing the "Turn off the Screen" button. There is a need for this app for my tablet because sometimes I just forget to turn off the WiFi and this discharges the battery very fast. It lives 10x+ times less than I would without WiFi. Is there any solution a...

iOS Simulator too big [duplicate]

The iOS Simulator is too large on the screen. I saw all the settings but nothing. Please help me! 2 Answers ...

包默认:src\appinventor\ai_zqp2013\test269 定制包名考虑实现一下。 - 微...

包默认:src\appinventor\ai_zqp2013\test269 定制包名考虑实现一下。edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3.Screen1main=appinventor.ai_zqp2013.test269.Screen1

App Inventor 2 实现商业级APP启动屏幕效果(SplashScreen) · App Inventor 2 中文网

... App Inventor 2 实现商业级APP启动屏幕效果(SplashScreen) 启动屏幕效果 实现原理 源码下载 « 返回首页 启动屏幕效果 实现的功能包括:启动App时展示启动屏,右上角展示5秒倒计时...

App Inventor 2 实现商业级APP启动屏幕效果(SplashScreen) - App应用开发 -...


App Inventor 2 项目合并工具:合并屏幕、合并素材、合并拓展 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...合并的屏幕、资源、拓展等。 注意:两边如果同时选中Screen1,会提醒将右边的屏幕改名后合并到最终的项目。 合并完成,保存 merged.aia 文件到本地。 合并完成验证 上面合并后的 merged.aia 导入到App Inventor 2 中: 合并后的...

Ball to Ball Collision - Detection and Handling

... As a clarification to the suggestion by Ryan Fox to split the screen into regions, and only checking for collisions within regions... e.g. split the play area up into a grid of squares (which will will arbitrarily say are of 1 unit length per side), and check for collisions within each...

How to show vertical line to wrap the line in Vim?

... New in Vim 7.3: 'colorcolumn' is a comma separated list of screen columns that are highlighted with ColorColumn. Useful to align text. Will make screen redrawing slower. The screen column can be an absolute number, or a number preceded with '+' or '-', which is added to or...

mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter / Call to a member function bind_param() errors. How to get t

...ifferent. On a development server it is convenient to have errors shown on-screen, but on a live server error messages must be logged instead, so you could find them in the error log later. Therefore, you must set corresponding configuration options to the following values: On a development serv...

iOS 7: UITableView shows under status bar

The first screen of my application is a UITableViewController without a navigation bar, which means that the content flows under the status bar so there's a lot of text collisions. I've adjusted both the properties for Under top bars and Adjust scroll view insets which do actually stop it from...