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Calculate difference between two datetimes in MySQL

...rence between the last login time and the current time (which I get using NOW() ). 3 Answers ...

App.Config Transformation for projects which are not Web Projects in Visual Studio?

... This works now with the Visual Studio AddIn treated in this article: SlowCheetah - Web.config Transformation Syntax now generalized for any XML configuration file. You can right-click on your web.config and click "Add Config Trans...

How to capture the “virtual keyboard show/hide” event in Android?

... 2020 Update This is now possible: On Android 11, you can do view.setWindowInsetsAnimationCallback(object : WindowInsetsAnimation.Callback { override fun onEnd(animation: WindowInsetsAnimation) { super.onEnd(animation) val sho...

Computational complexity of Fibonacci Sequence

I understand Big-O notation, but I don't know how to calculate it for many functions. In particular, I've been trying to figure out the computational complexity of the naive version of the Fibonacci sequence: ...

constant pointer vs pointer on a constant value [duplicate]

... Now that you know the difference between char * const a and const char * a. Many times we get confused if its a constant pointer or pointer to a constant variable. How to read it? Follow the below simple step to identify bet...

How to add a jar in External Libraries in android studio

...TEPS First switch your folder structure from Android to Project. Now search for the libs folder inside app - build folder. Once you have pasted the .jar file inside libs folder. Right click on the jar file and at end click on Add as library. This will take care of adding compile f...

Python assigning multiple variables to same value? list behavior

...t element of a to 1, the first elements of b and c are 1. If you want to know if two names are naming the same object, use the is operator: >>> a=b=c=[0,3,5] >>> a is b True You then ask: what is different from this? d=e=f=3 e=4 print('f:',f) print('e:',e) Here, you'r...

What is move semantics?

...f the new features made sense to me, and I am actually excited about C++0x now, with the exception of one. I still don't get move semantics ... What is it exactly? ...

Convert a character digit to the corresponding integer in C

...the same for letters, for example: char c = 'b'; int x = c - 'a'; // x is now not necessarily 1 The standard guarantees that the char values for the digits '0' to '9' are contiguous, but makes no guarantees for other characters like letters of the alphabet. ...

position: fixed doesn't work on iPad and iPhone

I have been struggling with fixed positioning in iPad for a while. I know iScroll and it does not always seem to work (even in their demo). I also know that Sencha has a fix for that, but I couldn't Ctrl + F the source code for that fix. ...