大约有 41,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0262秒) [XML]
Given an emacs command name, how would you find key-bindings ? (and vice versa)
...d bound to a keyboard shortcut (or a key sequence in Emacs terms), see the selected answer.
For programmatically getting the command bound to a given key sequence, use the function key-binding or lookup-key that takes a key sequence and returns its bound command. The function key-binding is what C-...
std::string formatting like sprintf
...'ll have to do it first in a c-string, then copy it into a std::string:
char buff[100];
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s", "Hello");
std::string buffAsStdStr = buff;
But I'm not sure why you wouldn't just use a string stream? I'm assuming you have specific reasons to not just do this:
Lazy Method for Reading Big File in Python?
... assert len(list(rows(f, chunksize=chunksize))) == 1
def test_1_char_2_rows(chunksize=1024):
with open(test_file, 'w') as f:
with open(test_file) as f:
assert len(list(rows(f, chunksize=chunksize))) == 2
def test_1_char(chunksize=1024):
Variable number of arguments in C++?
...example (see it live):
void func(T, Args...) [T = int, Args = <double, char, std::basic_string<char>>]: 1
void func(T, Args...) [T = double, Args = <char, std::basic_string<char>>]: 2.5
void func(T, Args...) [T = char, Args = <std::basic_string<char>>]: a
void fu...
SQL server query to get the list of columns in a table along with Data types, NOT NULL, and PRIMARY
...licate rows for some columns, use user_type_id instead of system_type_id.
c.name 'Column Name',
t.Name 'Data type',
c.max_length 'Max Length',
c.precision ,
c.scale ,
ISNULL(i.is_primary_key, 0) 'Primary Key'
sys.columns c
How can I check if a single character appears in a string?
You can use string.indexOf('a').
If the char a is present in string :
it returns the the index of the first occurrence of the character in
the character sequence represented by this object, or -1 if the
character does not occur.
How to ALTER multiple columns at once in SQL Server
...same character in multiple fields (such as removing \t from all columns).
Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign
...te definition in the XML and change it manually.
Remove primary keys from select lists in table adapters if they are not related to the data being returned.
Run your query in SQL Management Studio and ensure there are not duplicate records being returned. Duplicate records can generate duplicate p...
T-SQL datetime rounded to nearest minute and nearest hours with using functions
declare @dt datetime
set @dt = '09-22-2007 15:07:38.850'
select dateadd(mi, datediff(mi, 0, @dt), 0)
select dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, @dt), 0)
will return
2007-09-22 15:07:00.000
2007-09-22 15:00:00.000
The above just truncates the seconds and minutes, producing the resu...
how to convert a string to date in mysql?
I have a string column which acts as a date and I want to select it as a date .
5 Answers